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the sound of beeping engulfed the silent room while a young girl walked around, examining the person who they had found in the riverbanks almost dead.

it was a daily job she had for almost a year, anything the boy did was a huge impact on their research.

she watched him again, he was breathtakingly handsome. she wouldn't have thought a guy like him would exist.

he seemed young, maybe her age or older. he wasn't exactly pale but not exactly tan, his skin was like honey and his lips were such a pretty shape. they must be so soft and pink if he wasn't sleeping like the dead for eleven months.

she envied those long eyelashes and perfectly shaped pretty face. it would be a shame if he died completely.

the girl stared at him, and wondered in thought.
she wondered why their boss had to take him in so badly when there are so many agents risking their lives just to get in the spot left for this sleeping guy in the company.
" he's... a special one, i can tell. we can only realize when he wakes up. we have to do everything just for him to wake up. "
he was basically dead. out of the 89 percent chances, he only exceeded 43 percent of life still left in him. it's been eleven months, and all he did was breathe and mutter a name.

he muttered the word again. his soft mumble reflected how sweet his voice might've been.

who was this jisung he always talks about in his sleep?

for eleven months he could only just mutter that one name.
it made her absolutely curious.

she went near him and brushed his surprisingly soft hair away from his eyes. his skin was soft and still quite healthy even after a long time of living in an incubator. 
the machine bed keeping his life was doing it's work well, he seem to be as if he was alive now, but still, he had to wake up soon or else there's not much they can do for him.

she pondered for a moment, still staring at him.
lee minho. our research tells us that's your name, you sacrificed your life to save the people of korea and half of japan from that giant plane ship by crashing it to the sea, by yourself. i'm quite impressed. you must be a really kind hearted man. ❞ she said in japanese.

she could've sworn she saw his hand move and her expression turned to wonder. his face moved as he groaned and his eyebrows scrunched, his eyes wanting to open as if he was having a nightmare.
n-nakamoto-san! nakamoto-san!

she ran to the phone and called in the head of their team and he came quickly in, examining the sleeping boy.

what happened? is he alright?
he asked.

he moved and-and

his brainwave readings says he's having a nightmare. ah, this isn't good.
yuta said while typing and scanning the records on one of the computers surrounding the room.

the boy calmed down, yet they both couldn't avoid the feeling of nervousness upon seeing him move like that, especially since he hadn't moved that much since they found him.

minho's eyes fluttered open slowly, it took some time to see clearly through the blurry vision. before he could process everything, he was sure of that he couldn't remember absolutely anything. it made him almost panic but was able to calm himself down.

RETROGRADE; minsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now