C10 - Grace's Secret

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The fireplace glistens over his body, glistens over mine. My mother's eyes burn as the flames pop and hiss. He's taken off his ring, claimed he's mine. Not hers. I hope mother can see that, I hope she can see that Tommy is mine.


I turn and look into Tommy's eyes, smiling like the child I feel like I am around him. "Hmmm."

"Do you remember our first time?" He asks, his fingers running up and down my body. Leaving tingles all the way down to my toes. The way he continued to strike my body, the way my mood had changed due to him. He really was my one true lover.

"Our first time." I hum, lightly tapping my fingers against his chest. I can't help the way I grin, "You mean the time when you only lasted thirty seconds and then begged for sleep?"

He laughs, "Yes. That time."

I roll onto my back, my fingers itching up for his beauty. "How could I forget, Tommy?"

Despite how disappointed and confused I was, it was our first fucking time. I'll never forget that. The way he touched me, seeing his reaction to my naked body for the first time. Feeling him touch me in places I only ever dreamt about, seeing him spew this new formed love. Exploring his body for myself, the vulnerability, this new found love.

He breaks into a smile, one small and shy that shines so bright under the limited lighting. I swear I could fall into that face of his and kiss it all day.

He lays on his back, and pull me into his chest. I sit up though, bringing the duvet with me, to rest over my chest. I push my hair to one side, looking down at him. Tommy glows under the bright flames.

"I realized then that you were everything to me." His words take me aback.

"It took you a quick shag?" I pinch his nipple, laughing. "Jesus, Tom."

"Ey? No, listen to me." He grabs my chin, forces me to look at him. Studying me like he has so many times before, he continues. "Are you listening?"

"I'm listening." I giggle, brushing my hand over his chest.

"And I'm being serious." He warns me, his eyes narrowed.

"Okay! Sorry. Sorry." I touch his chin too, breaking into a smile, "I'm sorry. Continue."

"I began to miss you, Bri' but you were right in front of me." He tells me. "I realized then that you were everything to me. You're the one." He continues after a short sigh. "And I can't go another day without seeing your face, and lookin' into your eyes, kiss that nose of yours. I can't go another second without seeing that scar above your eyebrow that you hate. Can't go without kissing your lips." He's soft with me, touching each feature as he speaks. "Bria, I cant go another day without you. I need you."

It's funny how real things are with him. It's almost scary. A perfect future is mapped out in my head, imagining babies, happiness, a bright future. One that is just screaming with hearts and endless love. His love. We live under one roof, for the rest of our fucking lives. It sounds so real, it almost could be. If I allow myself this, this little sliver of selfishness to be with the man I love entirely, perhaps it could be real.

But for it to be real, means that I'll have to continue with my secret of Grace's secret. Grace's Secret. A name he'll use for his horse, May. A woman, another woman. My eyes drift off into the future, she's a beauty, widowed. Gentle, good, fiercely passionate. Another woman, post Grace's death — post me.

Thomas sits up, concern dancing over his face. "What is it?" He asks, pushing his fingers against my cheeks.

I only realize then that I've shed a tear or two. My eyes follow his as they read of so much panic.


"I just love you so much." I whisper, sniffling lightly. "And I'd do anything for you. For us."


"Anything." Tommy repeats, he smiles so sweetly at me. "I like the sound of that."

"Me too." I tell him with confidence. "I'm beginning to think selling the house is a bad idea."

"Oh?" He smirks. "I love the sound of that."

"Do you?" I ask, my fingers slowly making its way down the trail hair under his belly button. I lean in, my lips moving to his ear. "How do you like the sound of this?"

Continuing my kisses, I surround him in as much love as I can possibly muster. Willingly giving myself to him, willingly wanting - no needing to please him.

"Mmmmm," His hands fall to his sides. Tommy's eyes roll back, as he swallows. "Bria."

My lips follow my hands that wrap around him. Mine. All mine.

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