Well Hung Over

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You were first to awaken, with a splitting headache, must've been the alcohol. You rolled over and off the bed still naked, you slowly rise up and made your way to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror quickly, you look awfully terrible, prolly because the alcohol drained you quite a bit. You open the mirror cabinet, and spot Tylenol and...plan B. You decide to take both of them. With both pills in hand, you immediately take them and turned the faucet on, taking a handful of water with it. You hung your head down in the sink, thinking over everything.

You lost your virginity to Brian May. What will everyone think now? At least you're not baring his child, you're still in college, who cares who you had sex with anyways? Well you're so close to graduation, so whatever, hang in there...you'll need it.

You suddenly hear Brian yawning, he must be awake. "(Y/n)?", he called. You slowly rose your head up and out of the sink, and went back into the bedroom. "Good morning, love.", he says. "Morning.", you replied sluggishly. "I understand. I'm a bit hungover too.", he moaned, putting his boxers on, "Last night was really crazy." "I bet Freddie, Roger, and John are looking for you.", you said picking up your clothes from the floor. "I know they are. They must be in the studio I guess.", he says. "Well well, you should hurry then, Bri. They'd be mad as fuck if they found out you were late for a recording session, due to a one night stand.", you chuckled putting on your panties and bra back on.

Bri sighed putting his pants on. "You're right, of course Freddie would be pissed.", he said. "By the way, I wonder if my friend (friend's name) had a one night stand with that dude she found.", you ponder putting your shorts on. "Probably. I mean, not to be rude, but I think she sleeps around with every guy and maybe girl she meets at that pub.", he explains.

"Heh, I'm not really offended. I mean she's bisexual anyways, I don't care about that.", you replied putting your shoes on. "Good for her then.", Bri said sarcastically, putting his shirt on. "Yeah I know, sometimes she's over dramatic about it, like if someone pointed it out, she'd rant about it for a decade.", you replied sarcastically. "Wow, I guess she just wants to prove it.", he said shyly. "Yeah she does, to too many people.", you said putting your shirt on and shoes.

"Well. I really hope we see each other again sometime.", Brian says. "I hope we do. Hopefully you could come to my graduation on next It's on the 24th of May.", you said. "I hope I could make it, if Queen doesn't have a concert, they maybe I'll go ahead and show up.", he replied. "I know.", you sighed. You and Brian shared one more hug and another kiss. You then followed him down to the main lobby of the hotel.

You both get a ride to your home and before you left the taxi, he kissed you on the cheek and told you that he loves you. You tell him you love him too and went inside your home, safe and sound.

A Night With A RockStar (Brian May x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now