"hey jack where's the library?" you questioned

he laughed "this way I think"

"see you don't even know!" you laughed

you haven't had this feeling in a while

'mommy whats wrong why are you crying', you desperately tried to comfort your mother but she as covered in red . you walked up to your mother to see a broken bottle, "are you hurt mommy? do you need a docter"

"go away june"



you shook your head from those thoughts when you were met at the library jack opened the door for you, him earning a smile from you "you know not trying to sound like a creep but you have a really beautiful smile why don't you smile often?"

you titled your head and looked at him "im not sure to be honest maybe it because no one makes me smile" Everything seemed to good to be true you haven't been noticed by boys so why now?

That shut him up he just opened his laptop before pulling up a PowerPoint and sharing it with you. "so yea this doesn't look like English" you said throwing the paper across the table. J ack laughed before inspecting the paper "is Shakespeare you dumb nut"

you pretended to look hurt " how could you, out of all names call me a dumb nut" you started laughing before jack joined in the laughter

you grabbed the paper and started to section of the pieces of the document needed for dissection, it was 10:11 when someone's phone went off. you looked at your phone, your was as dry as a desert. you looked at jack to see his face drop, tension grew in the air as jus stared at his phone. you touched his hand which made him flinch " you okay jackie?' you asked

"i gotta go" he growled he grabbed his stuff not even bothering to put his stuff away before running out the library.

Jack Pov

Staring at June she was beautiful seeing her smile gave me warmth without thinking " you know not to sound like a creep but you have a beautiful smile why don't you smile?"

her response was unexpected when she said " im not sure to be honest maybe it because no one makes me smile"

that made me stay quiet so I made her smile am I important? All those thoughts pondered my brain, I see her started the work she truly was beautiful. I opened my laptop and created the PowerPoint to share it with June. Her soft voice has caught my attention " so yea this doesnt even look like english" then she threw it across the table

I inspected the paper before realizing "its Shakespeare you dumb nut" o my god I just called her a dumb nut out of everything a fucking dumb nut you were lost in your thoughts about calling her a dumb nut when you saw what she was doing, she was prentening to be hurt by you calling jer a dumb nut. " how could you out of all the names you call me a dumb nut" we both laughed with her soon getting back to work. When we actually stopped messing around and started to get to work someone's phone went off I was pretty sure it was mine but it was cute watching her check hers, however she then got sad but I didnt like that.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 10:11 before looking at the text it was from jenny

'Get to the east wing before your little girlfriend gets it'

I grew angry she wasn't your girlfriend but I was tired of this fucking girl getting in my way.

June touched my hand making me flinch before following with a response " you okay Jackie?"

Eyeless jack x readerWhere stories live. Discover now