Valentine's Day

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After a long day full of lectures and labs, it felt good to laze around your dorm room. It was the perfect reprieve––you lay on your bed, legs propped up against the wall, staring at the various posters that decorated the wallpaper. Not wanting to think about schoolwork anymore, you reach to grab a book from your nightstand––"The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison. As you're settling into a comfortable position, your telephone rings. You glance at the clock––who would be calling me at eleven?––and dismount from the mattress with a sigh. Picking up the receiver with one hand, you tangle your other in the spiraled cord. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me." The voice of Brian, your boyfriend, brings a grin to your face. "You're still up?"

"No, I'm sleeping," you tease. "Yes, I'm awake! What's up?"

"I've just finished laying down the last bit of guitar for the track we've been working on. Is it okay if I come by to pick you up?"

Suddenly curious, your ears perk up. "This late? What for?"

You could almost hear his boyish grin through the phone. "It's a surprise. I'll be there in ten. Love you." He hung up, leaving you equal parts confused and excited.

Quickly stopping in front of your mirror, you fix your unruly eyebrows and apply a bit of lipstick to correct the day's wear. You'd been dating Brian for over a year now, thanks to an introduction by mutual friends, but you still felt butterflies erupt in your stomach every time he did something like this. He loved surprises, and even after he began spending more time with his band in the studio, he continued to go out of his way to make you feel appreciated. Smoothing your skirt with your hands, you grab your coat and head out the door.


Brian's car, a Ford Escort, was a modest thing––the perfect combination of practicality and style, just like him. Opening the passenger door, you slide into the seat and give him a grin. He looks good––he never agrees, but you always insist he looks best after a long day in the studio, collared shirt slightly disheveled and hair tousled. He returns your gesture and leans forward to capture your lips in his, soft and warm. Your smile breaks the kiss. "What's this all about?"

"Ah ah, that's for you to find out." He winks. Putting the car into gear, he rolls out of the campus parking lot and heads toward the street.

Moving to sit closer to him, you thread your arm through his and rest your head on his shoulder. "Oh, alright. If I can't ask about that, I suppose I'll ask about your day." You absentmindedly trace your fingers down his arm, admiring the way his muscles flexed as he drove.

He let out a small sigh. "It was... long. But good. I finally managed to get all the parts right on the track I was telling you about, White Queen." He paused, turning onto the main road. "Rog wasn't so pleased with how long I spent on it, but that's to be expected." Laughing, he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. "But now that I've finally perfected it, we're that much closer to mixing the whole album."

You squeezed his arm and sat up, your head level with his. "I'm glad! I know how much you care about that song. I can't wait to hear the final product." Taking a moment to look at the road in front of you, you realize that you don't recognize this area. "How far out of town are we?"

Giving your knee a quick squeeze, he only smiles and says, "We're nearly there."

Sticking your lip out in a playful pout, you observe the fields passing by your window, everything shrouded in the soft glow of the moon. Just as you felt certain you were en route to London, Brian makes a sharp turn onto a dubious-looking country road. Ahead, you notice a scattering of trees in the middle of the expanse.

on such a breathless night as this (a brian may one-shot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang