Chapter Two - The Present

Depuis le début

They locked me up like an animal, and I hated it. I hated them. The greed and fright in there eyes multiplied once they saw my Rosario. They all wanted it for themselves, to protect themselves.

I walked into the meadow, and sat down against a tombstone that had my little sister's name engraved on it. Sometimes its like she was there, next to me. I put the flowers down next to her tombstone, and sighed. The flowers would just wilt when the sun sets, but the thought still counts.

"Chime! Chime!" Jacob called for me. I looked over to the forest, and sure enough, there was Jacob, coming towards me with flowers in his his hand. A warm breeze passed by, and swept most of my hair away from my face and shoulder.

I watched as Jacob slow down once he was close enough, and had an apologetic frown on his face. "I, uh, thought Annika might like these..." He said smiling slightly before it fell back into a frown again.

"Thanks Jacob. I'm sure she would." I lied through my teeth. My little sister hated presents and pity gifts. No matter how bad things went down, she would always reject all the sympathetic looks she got and go back and do it again just to prove them wrong.

That's why she was so upset when the God Alexander rejected her sacrifice. She was scared people would be disappointed and look at her with pity. She hated that more than anything in the world.

Jacob gently put the flowers down by her tombstone, and sat down next to me carefully avoiding sitting in my flowers.

"It's been so long..." He finally said after a moment of silence. I bit my lip, and instantly just wanted to get the hell out of there. But that would only mean going back to the only place I had left to go, the church.

Even though he was my best and only friend, I didn't want to talk about this, not even with him. I saw him frown from the corner of my eye, and I heard him sigh.

"Chime... You can talk to me about this... You've been so quiet and dark ever since the church has taken you in as a priestess..." Jacob said quietly, gently grabbing my hand.

I looked at him and didn't try to hide all my anger, sorrow, and frustration. "I just dont understand..." I whispered, tears starting to silently roll down my cheeks.

He instantly grabbed me an put me in his lap, embracing me tightly. I hugged him, and silent tears continued to flow down my cheeks while I rested my tired head against Jacob's hard chest.

"Chime... I wish I could fix this whole thing, I'm so sorry-"

"No Jacob. It's not your fault. It's not your fault the God Alexander taunts me, its not your fault my sister and possibly mother are in the clutches of the Death God..." I said. "Its mine." 

"Chime, its not your fault... The God Alexander's acceptance just wasnt as great as everyone promised it would be... Either way, somebody still ends up cursed." 

We sat there quietly for a moment, and Jacob sighed heavily. "Chime, I dont really know how to say this, but I really dont like seeing you hurt like this... Lets run away." He said suddenly. 

My eyes widened and I looked at him, half expecting him to burst out laughing and telling me it was a joke. "J-Jacob... Are you saying we should abondon our own village?" I asked surprised. 

"We both dont have any family left Chime, and just think about it! We would both be free to do whatever we want... We dont need the village to protect us, we have each other..." Jacob said softly, looking me in my eyes. 

I scanned his face for any sign of seriousness, and his face was humorless and cold. And that was almost impossible for Jocob to do. He was dead serious. 

"Jacob... I'm glad you would want to free me and take care of me and all, but I cant just leave..." I said lightly, looking at him apologetically.

Jacob just stared at me, and suddenly his lips met mine. I was surprised as he moved his lips against mine. But to be honest, it wasn't bad... His lips were soft, but firm and dominate at the same time...

I was actually thinking of kissing back, when suddenly my tattoo was burning. I pulled away quickly and grabbed my arm and hissed in pain. "Chime, whats wrong?" Jocob asked concerned.

"I... I have to go..." I said suddenly, jumping off Jacob's lap and running into the forest. I heard Jacob's voice calling out for me, but I kept running deeper into the forest. I clutrched my tattoo on my arm and hissed in pain. This is the first time something like this has happened.

"Let him touch you again and you'll regret it." I heard a dark voice in my head. I gasped in shock, because I knew this voice. It was the God Alexander's.

"I-I can do whatever I want..!" I cried out, trying to sound braver than I really was.

"Dont get cocky with me human! Dont forget what I promised a year ago!" The same booming voice echoed in my head.

I gulped down all my fear, and tried to put my brave face on. "I didn't forget... But I still dont belong to you! I am my own person!" I called out angrily again.

The same booming yet sexy smooth voice started laughing in my head, as if he has heard the funniest joke ever. "Pathetic human, you entertain me, yet another reason I should just take you sooner than I promised!" He said threatening.

I gulped again, and tried to try to come up with something to say, but my fear took over my entire body. Yet again he laughed loudly. "Soon human, soon...."

"We'll see about that!" I cried out angrily.

"Chime..? Who are you talking to?" I heard Jacob's voice right next to me, and I looked over to my right, and Jacob was there, leaning against a tree with a confused/entertained look on his face.

Oh crap.

~•.:Sacrificed To A Sex God:.•~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant