2. More than Friends?

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He asked for my phone number!!! WHAT?!?!?! Don't think nothing of it. Don't get your hopes up. Just don't. Maybe he just wants my number just incase he misses something in class. This always happens to me because people just assume I wear glasses this girl must be smart therefore she actually does the school work. Strangely, I kept their numbers. Even though I never see them, nor talk to them again. It's kinda like a keepsake. Maybe he will just be another contact dusting away on my phone.

I walked out of glass with nothing more than just a smile and a number.

Maybe I should keep my phone out just incase he texts me? Why would he? This is a ridiculous idea.

*Phone vibrates*

I look down to see a text message from HIM!

HIM: Hey!

Alright here is my chance! Those who had my number never texted me after I gave it to them, my number. This looks like a good sign. Just reply back with a normal hey and everything will be smooth sailing from there!

ME: Howdy!

WTF?! Are you just trying to get your number blocked?! Nice going dumbass. Now he will regret talking to you! *face palm* Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Wait! I know how to fix this!

ME: Sorry about that 😂😂 Fair warning: I am pretty weird.

Smooth move.

HIM: Lol 😂 Howdy back! There is nothing wrong with that. I think you have a great sense of humor.

ME: Thanks 😂

HIM: Man, I am hungry.

ME: Go grab something to eat.

HIM: I am craving a hamburger 😂😂

ME: Then go grab one 😂😂

HIM: I think I will. What kind of food do you eat?

Fuck not this question. This is like the kryptonite to my superman.

The truth is I am the most pickiest eater EVER!  I just am, and I heard it so many times from my mother that no one likes a picky person. She use to joke around that if I ever went over my boyfriend's for dinner, I wouldn't touch nothing there. This holds true. I could list all the food I don't eat, but I will spare you the time. Let's see how I answer back!

ME: Honestly, I am a picky eater, and half of the food I eat is junk from pizza to chicken fingers to hamburgers.

HIM: Same here 😂 but you like hamburgers though?

ME: Yes, but without cheese, tomatoes, pickles, and onions. Just the bread and the patty itself. Sometimes I eat a cheeseburger.

Yes, mention that you sometimes eat a cheeseburger that way you don't sound so strange! The truth is I only eat a cheeseburger when I have no choice, and they mess up my order for a plain boring burger with ketchup.

HIM: Really? So just plain burger?

ME: Yes, I know weird.

HIM: Do you hate olives?

ME: YES!! They are the most disgusting things I have ever tried them once, and I absolutely hate the smell of them.

HIM: ME TOO! This is like a deal breaker for me! 😂😂

Maybe my picky eating isn't my kryptonite after all! We have one thing in common, and it is the utterly despise of olives.

ME: Wow! Good thing I hate them.

HIM: Yup, I absolutely hate them. If you liked them, I probably wouldn't be talking to you.

ME: Lucky me!

He must really hate olives?

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