A Boppin' Dodgeball Game!

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Hina was ecstatic! Not only did she come up with a boppin idea to bring both Haneoka Academy and Hanasakigawa Academy closer together (after the success of the joint cultural festival), but she actually got to work side-by-side with her sister for it.

Which Sayo wasn't all that excited about. Especially when it came to choosing the teams.

"Hina," the older of the twins couldn't help but sigh. "You can't have all of PasuPare on the same team."

Hina turned her attention away from the board, which had the listing for both teams on it, to her sister. "Why not, onee-chan? Wouldn't it be boppin'?"

Rinko, who was present at the meeting due to being the student council president for Hanasakigawa, piped in. "Hikawa-san is right. It would encourage both schools to bond."

From the opposite side of the table, Arisa couldn't help but groan. "Just don't put Kasumi and her sister on the same team, please. For my sanity and everyone else's." Tsugumi, who sat beside her, couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "Everything will be fine, Ichigaya-san."

"Boppin'!" The bluenette cheered. "Rinko and I will be team captains, and I'll let everyone know when the first practice round will be."

With that, the meeting ended with Sayo and Rinko staying behind. "Shirokane-san," Sayo began. "Do you think it was a good idea to let Hina plan the whole dodgeball game?"

Rinko looked up from her papers, flashing her band mate a smile. "Have faith in her. Hina's pretty smart and clever. I think it's a good idea."

The bluenette couldn't help but sigh. "I hope you're right."


The next week, the team listings were posted at both schools under two teams: Team Boppin' and Team Fantasy. Team Boppin' consisted of the entirety of PasuPare and Afterglow, with Kokoro, Kaoru (much to Chisato's disappointment), and Hagumi in the roster as well. Meanwhile, Team Fantasy consisted of the entirety of Roselia and PoPiPa, with Rokka, Misaki, and Kanon on the team as well.

"Aa-chan!" Kasumi cried, latching onto her younger sister. "Please play! I'm sure Hina and Rinko can add you in."

Asuka only rolled her eyes at her sister's antics. "Sorry, but dodgeball is not my thing. Plus, wouldn't that make the teams uneven?"

Kasumi pouted and gazed past the girl to Rokka, who was beside Asuka. "LOCK, please tell Aa-chan to play!"

Rokka tried to find something to say before Arisa came up and grabbed Kasumi by the collar. "Leave her alone."

"Arisa!" Kasumi began to flail and cling to the blonde. "Convince her to join!"

Arisa tried to push her bandmate off of her. "H-Hey, stop it!"

Rokka, who was watching the events unfold, began to laugh. "Its never a dull moment with PoPiPa around."


"Alright everyone!" All the girls turned towards the source of the voice, which was Hina. "Let's get this practice started! Team Fantasy will serve the ball first."

Everyone scrambled into position, with Ako being the one to serve the ball. She tossed it into the air and hit it.

"Rin-rin, heads up!"

Rinko hit the ball to help it soar over the net.

And to a distracted Hina.

"Hina!" Aya shouted, but it was too late. The ball bounced off the guitarist's head, causing the girl to fall to the ground. Sayo rushed over to her sister.

"Hina!" the blunette cried. "Get up! Wake up!" Despite shaking her to wake her up, all Hina did was mumble something about "boppin'" under her breath.

"Hikawa-san," Yukina placed a hand on Sayo's shoulder. "We'll take her to the infirmary. She'll be fine."

"I hope so..."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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