Quick shakes of laughter and surprised gasps fill the field. Even I put a hand on my mouth. None of us would expect Trey Gonzalez to sound so vulgar — and in his case, it is, all while still maintaining that "sophisticated scholar" persona. 

     He must be so freakin' happy.

    "...we're all heading to different directions. Some of you will go to college, some will be starting your own businesses, some will use the free time and travel the world, and I can guarantee you that some will play video games for hours on end. What matters is — do whatever the hell you want. The world is yours. And it's yours to take."

     Our whoops and hell yeahs are ready to shake the ground underneath our feet, and soon enough, they start calling our names.

    "Victor Drew Forbes!"

     Vic raises both fists in the air, diploma in one hand. I hear Trey and their friends applause like crazy — gotta love the boy squad.

    "Trey Ramiro Gonzalez!"

     I jump as high as I can, trying to appear the craziest of them all. And while it's true some people don't like him, there's no doubt in that moment that a lot of people do. It's powerful. I'm proud of it. Of him.

    "Adelaide Sofía Hale!"

     I don't know why I was expecting for a boo. Maybe because I'm so used to having accusing stares or funny looks due to my reputation. But no... cheers like the rest of them. I'm so full of euphoria that I pull the Principal for a giddy hug. He looks terrified.

    "Olivia Ann Stanford!"

    "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" I scream, throwing her a huge kiss. She does this shy wave, where her smile completely overtakes her face — then she finally lets herself a full on grin.

     A lot of other familiar names get called, including the rest of Trey's posse, Sean, Keith and Landon; TJ; and Laney Burke, to everyone's surprise. Even the Principal seemed hesitant to give her diploma, and even more so when she gave a middle finger to the audience.

     And the next thing I know, our caps are in the air.


     The football field is crazy. Everyone's just running in different directions and squealing in different frequencies that I can't tell who calls for who. But I do manage to find someone.


     He sees me amongst the horde, his tall frame making him find me in ease. He doesn't say a single word like how I'm happily screaming to him, but then he crashes me into a hug as soon as he's a breath away. I'm so surprised of the unlike-Trey affection that I freeze for a bit before returning the favour. I think I'm making his left ear deaf at this point.

    "We graduated freakin' high school, man!"

    "That we did!"

    "Where's Vic and Liv?!"

     He pulls away and takes a good look around, not knowing where either of our best friends' are. Either way, I have a feeling they would've found each other. They're in good hands.

     A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and I squeal again, instantly knowing who it is. I turn around and meet Jude Reynolds grinning back at me. With his green eyes gleaming with happiness. Trey's gone to me. "Babe!"

Get The Girl ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें