'Twas the Night Before Christmas

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It was Hope's first Christmas, and Emma knew that Killian would go overboard (even though he had very rarely celebrated Christmas with the number of villains that want to take over Storybrooke).

Hope was taking her mid-day nap, resting in the crook of her arm, on hand in a fist, holding a teddy bear twice the size of her, and the other was holding Emma's vest top, that she has slept in for the past three days. Even though there is the joy of having a baby that she didn't have to give up - but Emma was exhausted, Hope was a young babe - if she wanted to be fed or wanted to be changed (she'd let you know. Loudly).

But as Hope took her nap, Emma was watching a Christmas film, curled up at the end of the couch - Hope's head gently resting on the arm with a pillow from Killian and Emma's bed, supporting her. Emma was watching on a low volume (not to wake her little girl) It's a Wonderful Life, some of the hormones not having left her system yet. But, it wasn't only because of the hormones still humming in her blood - but ever since she first watched the film, she'd always cried during it. Like she always cried at the end of Jack Frost, and since meeting Killian - he was the one she always went to in tears after that film.


With the footsteps of a mouse, a tall, young man walked in - rivalling the size of Killian. He walked up to be standing behind where Emma was sat, and this is when little Hope woke up and started babbling happily at the sight of him.

Emma, who had heard Hope's happy babbles, looked down at her daughter, and smiled. "Hello, sweetie," Emma gently lifted a hand and rested it on the side of her baby's face. Despite having seen the young man stood behind her mother, Hope nuzzled into the soft and warm hand that has loved her long before she made her appearance into the world.

"Hi, mom," came the voice of answer - causing Emma to almost jump out of her skin, and almost let's poor Hope's head slip from her hand.

"Henry," even though he'd scared her, this was still her son - and she could never (well, extremely rarely) be mad at him. With a smile on her face, Emma beckoned her son to walk around the couch and give her a hug.

At the sound of his name, Henry turned into the young boy that Emma will always see him as (when she'd saved him with True Love's Kiss), and with a hug - he nuzzled in and sighed happily. Of course, he missed her! But, sometimes she has little memories from the missing year - when she never gave up Henry.

"Henry!" Followed a sound of surprise, from Emma's husband, Hope's father and Henry's step-dad, who just so happens to be the same person.

"Hi, Dad," it took Henry a long while to call Killian his father - but almost 4 years after his actual father was killed (Henry does go to visit his grandparents on the day of Baelfire/Neal's death), he officially started calling Killian 'dad'. On Killian's birthday.

"Come here, lad," Killian smiled, holding his arms out for the young man, who went as young as 11 going on 12 when Killian looked at him.

Even though it started out as a 'manly hug' as Henry put it, it quickly went into a father-son hug, with Killian holding his wife's son against his chest. Of course, Henry missed him too!


"Is Hope ready for her first Christmas?" Henry asked, as Emma gently handed over his baby sister. With Henry hoping from realm to realm, he hadn't seen his baby sister since she arrived in the world.

"Considering Killian has spoilt her for her first Christmas, god knows what will happen when she's older," Emma said, looking over at her husband and raising her eyebrows as to why he did that.

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