Dont want it to change

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U and Justin (yes Justin Bieber) have been best friends since nursery but you don't really get to see him a lot since he is on tour a lot.Today your meeting him for the first time in 2 years (u have talked but not in person) u get ready taking out nearly everything out of your wardrobe u wanted to look special for Justin. U had to admit u fancied him. U finally choose this you'll admit it you looked sexy :). U got your phone and your keys and drove to the restaurant where u and Justin were meeting. U arrived there and got escorted into a special room. Justin was waiting for you at the table he looked up to see you standing there. "WOW!" Justin said his eyes popping out of his head. "U'r pretty wow yourself" I said. Justin started singing 'Fall' (which was not out at the time) u then realised that he wrote that song for you "aww Justin I love you" "aww Y/N I love you too" :)

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