Chapter 11

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We ran out on to the street. 

"SAL!" Joe shouts.

Someone call an ambulance!

We watched the paramedics load him to the ambulance.

"Are either of you his family?" The medic asks.

" No--" YES! I say interrupting Murr. I'm his... Husband. "You can ride with him." He says leading me to the ambulance.

" Why did tell him you were his husband?" Murr asks.

They only let family or spouces ride. Meet us at the hospital. I jumped in and we drove off.

I stared at Sal.

He looked awful. There was blood covering his entire face, black eyes, broken bones, deep cuts. Is he going to be okay?

"Well we're just EMTs but from what I've seen....maybe." The medic replies.

Damn it.

I buried my face in my hands and sighed deeply.

" Hey aren't you from the show impractical jokers?" He asks.

Please don't. Not now.
We arrived at the hospital. They immediately raced him back.

"He needs surgery now! He's cyanotic!" A doctor shouts.

I fought to keep up with the doctors. 

"I'm sorry sir, you can't go any farther."

I walked back to the waiting room and texted the guys which hospital we were at. After about five minutes they arrived.

"How is he?" Joe asks.

I haven't heard anything, He's in surgery right now. We can't see him yet.

"Should we call his mom?" Murr asks.

No his mom is part of why he did this!  After waiting for a couple hours we were all exhausted. I leaned on Joe's shoulder and passed out. I awoke to someone shaking me. What? what?! Sal! Is he okay?

" He's in the ICU you can see him now." The doctor explains ushering us out of the waiting room.

We walked in the room and just stared at him. He looked like death. If it weren't for the bleeps on the EKG machine I would have thought he was already gone. Oh my God....

" SON OF A BITCH!" Joe shouts running out of the room."

I should probably find Joe." Murr says running out.

Sal! I'm so sorry! Why?Your so special to me if I could give you one thing, I would give you the ability to see yourself the way we see you. Then you'd realize how much your worth.

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