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The rain drops, drummed quickly and quietly on the window. It was raining four days in a row, which I guess is the usual weather for England. The buildings stood high as the students ran with books and bags above their heads to cover themselves from the upcoming storm. I looked up to the sky, seeing the dark grey clouds quickly taking over light blue sky. Opening my umbrella, I stepped out of the building with suitcase in hand and started walking towards the form building. The buildings at Oxford university were, indeed, posh and old-fashioned, which I admired.
I walked up to the big brown door that read 204B on it, taking a deep breath I opened it, stepping in and seeing a huge room, filled with paintings and a huge fireplace that stood in the middle of the room. As I walked further into the massive dorm room, I began to hear voices, that only go louder as I reached, what I assumed was, the bedroom. In the middle of the room stood a boy. Average hight, broad shoulders, blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He looked very posh, but then again, everyone who went to Oxford did. With the boy stood a woman, which I guess was his mother, and to her left were two men, one dressed in a black suit and the other more casually. They didn't acknowledge me, and I, being me, obviously overheard what they were talking about.
"Dad, why is it such a big deal?" The boy said, I think he was talking to the man that was dressed more casually. My statement was confirmed by the man answering.
"Because Alister! This was your brothers room, and my son's will only get the best!"
This seemed to be getting heated, so I decided to make myself noticeable and let them acknowledge me. Stepping in and lightly knocking on the brown bedroom door, they all turned to look at me. "Ah! Miss Winston, I was waiting for you!" The man in the suit exclaimed. I gave him a light nod and shook his hand that he had given me.
"I'm afraid there's been a little misunderstanding and Mr. Richardson here mixed up his room, with yours..." The man continued.
"If this room has some kind of sentimental value, I really don't mind swapping rooms with Mr. Richardson." I say, as I shift uncomfortably on my feet.
"Oh, please, Miss..." The boy started. "Winston." I finished his sentence.
"Yes, Winston. There is no need in doing that, I will happily take the dorm that I was assigned to."
He said, looking other at his father while he finished his sentence.
"No you will not young man! This room was your brothers and you will stay in this room!" His father was now starting to raise his voice. I felt like this was getting a bit to personal for my liking and decided that I didn't really mind where I was staying after all.
"It's okay. Here, take the key, I'll see myself out. Have a good day!"
I smiled and took the key that was laying on the desk beside the fireplace in the bedroom. I headed out while hearing some "you too!" And "goodbye" from the bedroom.
I headed out to the new building, noticing that all that was "new" about it, was simply the name. The building was very old-fashioned, and the windows looked like if you blew on them, they would fall out without any hesitation. I walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the room which was about to become my, so called "home", for the next 3 years. Pushing the door open, I walked into a small room that was not bigger that 20 square feet, if not less. Oh, it was definitely less. There was barely enough space for the desk and bed. Was I regretting for leaving that massive, posh dorm? Yes, probably. But I didn't mind small spaces.

After settling into the small dorm room, I went out to the local library. The library quarters looked a lot more stabilized than the "new" dorm building. I walked through the tall bookshelves that stood around the massive library, seeking into the aisles and looking through the old and new books, that were neatly and alphabetically placed in order. I picked out a book and headed to the reading area. The reading area had three, long tables lined up just behind the desks that held the computers. Students were sitting everywhere, but it wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I quickly took a seat and started reading. I got lost in the book, but just before I could finish the last page of the chapter, I heard the chair next to me being pulled out and soon saw two Oxfords being propped up on the table, the laces almost touching the pages of the book I was reading.
"André Aclman eh?" I looked up and saw a boy, he was quite stunning. He had brown hair that was styled so effortlessly but yet it looked so charming. His piercing green eyes looked into mine. He had a bright grin sprawled across his face. He wore a shirt under his dark green sweater, the brand of it was currently way to posh and too expensive for my own expenses. "Yeah,I guess? Have you read any of his stuff?"
I dared to ask the guy.
"I read the exact copy of "call me by your name",that you are holding right now." He says, looking at the book in my hands. He seemed friendly but at the same time I didn't think I should let my guard down, just in case.
"Is it any good?" I asked him. "You tell me, darling! Is it any good?" He said, now placing his arm on the back of my chair and slightly leaning towards me so he wasn't shouting in a library.
I didn't answer him. I just nodded and gave him a small smile. He hummed in return and looked somewhere out of the window. I decided that he had nothing else to say, so I went back to reading the book, but as soon as I flipped the page, he said
"I'm sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself, not a very gentlemen thing to do." I nodded.
"I'm Dmitry, Dmitry Lockwood." He smiled, lifting his feet of the table and turning to face me completely, holding out his hand for me to shake.
We talked for quite a while and I got to know him, just simple stuff like where he's from, and that his family is sickly rich, and that he was in some sort of club, that he didn't mention more than once during our so called conversation.
He walked me back to my dorm and waved me farewell as he took off in the direction of his dorm building.
I didn't think much of him. Yes, he was charming, but I couldn't see him more than a friend, my only friend for that matter.

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