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"Y-Your what?"
"I'm pregnant Judar that's why it's pink why did you think I put the tint of pink in water?!"
"No but you're pregnant."
Judar's eyes widened
"Who's the father?"
"Oh it's-."
"Kougyoku you better not lie to me."
"It's yours."
"Ha yeah right."
"I haven't had sex with anyone else other than you."
"So it's mine?"
"Yes Judar now please don't leave me I know you don't want this but-."
Kougyoku starts crying like crazy.
"Kougyoku why would I leave you I love you you're the best thing that has ever happened to me I will stay no matter what I don't care if you're carrying a child I love you and I'll never leave."
Kougyoku gives him a hug while having tears of joy once they were done hugging her they went to bed.
In the morning
"Morning sunshine."
"Morning Jud."
"So when are we going to tell them."
"Um I mean we can tell them at the after party."
"Ok but should you be working I mean stress is bad."
"Yeah I know we need to tell them."
Kouha enters
"Come on you guys we need to get going the wedding is today."
Both "WAIT WHAT?!"
"Yep now hurry up Judar you're coming with me."
Kouha grabs Judar's wrist and walks out with the magi following.
Kougyoku gets out of bed and puts on her robe and lets down her hair.
"Need a hand?"
"Oh Hakei you scared me and yes please."
"So you excited?"
"Yeah also nervous."
She straightens her hair and braided her hair into a braided crown leaving some extra hair stay the same way it was.
"There you go."
"Thank you."
She put on her dress

"Omg it looks so good on you

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"Omg it looks so good on you."
"Thank you."
"So I'm going to go good luck and have a good time."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome."
Hakei leaves
Kougyoku is left there all alone nervous Kouen walks in
"Are you ready to get married to the one you love?"
"Mhm I'm so ready and excited."
"Hehe ok come on."
They start walking towards the garden.
"So do you think you both are going to go through with this?"
"Of course we are."
"Ok just making sure."
"So are you ok with this I mean he's a magi and I'm not-."
"I'm fine with this as long as your happy."
"Oh ok I'm a little nervous but it's ok."
"Ok then we need you to calm down because we are here."
Kougyoku was so nervous she didn't know if Judar got cold feet or if he would leave her just than the music started playing and they walked down the aisle she blushed when she saw Judar their wearing a black tux this made Kougyoku blush Kouen let go of her arm and Judar linked arms with Kougyoku and brought her up the priest and they started the ceremony. After 30 minutes the priest says "now exchange the ring."
Kougyoku puts it on Judars left hand ring finger and he put it on hers and held hands. "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." With that Kougyoku and Judar share a tender kiss while everyone cheered.
At the after party
"Should we tell them right now?"
"I'll go get the mic."
Judar got up and grabbed the mic and walked in the middle of the dance floor.
"Hey everyone."
Kougyoku walks up next to her husband.
"We have an announcement."
They both were having a side conversation about who was going to say what.
"Oh come on say it!" Kouha screamed
Judar hands Kougyoku the mic.
"Ok everyone this may come as a shock but no one scream please or run up ok."
"Yes please don't do that we don't want to hurt anything."
Everyone in the room was confused
"So I'm Pregnant so surprise."
Everyone cheered.
"How long have you known and who's the father?"
"Um first off the father is Judar second I've only known since yesterday."
"Oh ok."
"Now back to the celebration."

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