the shopkeeper

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He shoved me into a red car and shut the door befor he went to the other side and climbed in.

"I'm angry.Anju do you know why i am angry and so sorry?"

i heard my heart thump and i said,"I don't know.Why?"

I felt fear and dread as he got off the road and parked. I was totally in for it.

"I am sorry I yelled at you Anju. However i am furious that you went on a date with that thing."

I felt my anger rise and i demanded,"Why are you mad? Why do you even care?"

"I love you!"

He laid his head against the head rest and said,"I love you okay? I always have."

"Why do you tell me this know? you didn't think that you would have any competition?"

He climbed into the back with me and i felt a whole lot of dread. "It's not that. I just didn't want you to get scared and never want to see me again. Over the years i thought that maybe if was just your friend i would be satisfied as that." He lowered his voice,"But, i wasn't Anju. In fact the want to be more to you grew even stronger and I felt my mask slipping." He grabbed my had and i felt his hand TREMBLING."I felt that you couldn't see me as a man. You can't even see me as a man right now right?"

My mouth felt dry. He was pouring his heart out and i couldn't say a thing. "Anju do you hate me?"

I shook my head franticly and said,"I could never hate you Hari. I am a little curious though. What do you like about me?"

He laid his head upon mine and said,"Your loyal, trust worthy, shy and once you've trusted someone you don't doubt them later one. Your kind and I like everything about you."

I blushed and said,"I think you just described yourself Hari. I have none of those wonerful qualitis."

He turned then he asked ,"Can i kiss you?"

I nodded and ever so shyly he kissed me and I felt that warmth come off me. Whether i loved him or not he was a good guy and i hope he got the best.

"Have you eaten?" I shook my head. He took me to a seafood place and i ordered the seasoned calamari while Hatori bought a rare steak.

"Oh miss Miya!" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice call from behind me. I turned and nearly groaned out of pain. Nana Natchi the snitch of the office rumors and claims were always spewed from her mouth and not one of them good.

I put on my best fake smile and asked,"Hello miss Natchi."

"On a hot date are you? How fitting! I was feeling kinda lonely here myself! why don't i join you?"

Our orders arrived and i attacked my calamari and heard her try to pump Hatori for information while rubbing his arm.

I wasn't sure about my feelings for him but, i know that as much as I had know Nana I hated that she was touching him.

I was glad to see that he only gave one word answers and he even deserted his food to pay the bill so we could get rid of her.

He paid and we were gone before she could even say goodbye. Once home he asked,"can i have payment?"

My brows knitted together and he pressed his lips against mine and i hugged him. Despite all my experience with kissing i still felt really shy with Hatori.

He left and i brushed my teeth before bed then i fell asleep and dreamed of all things happy and shiny.

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