Chapter 4: New York Baby

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The song for this chapter is 'New York' by Alicia Keys. I know its a little dry but I promise as we progress it will get better don't give up on me know.

"Wow" I said stepping into the cab with Mads and her parents staring out the window. "I had such a bad image in my head if New York and im looking at it in real life and it's beautiful. Its nothing like I thought it would be. . .its soo much better."  I gawked at the beautiful city as the cab driver drove through the busy streets.

"I know it's amazing you're going to love it here." Aunt Sebrina (Madelines mother) smiled widley showing off her glistening white teeth. She was a model now she is picking back up with photography she does photo shoots all over the world hence moving to Arizona.

"Mom can me and Ari go sihjt seeing later?" She asked hopefully. "Yea please Aunt Sebrina? " I asked. "I don't know how I feel about you guys walking around aimlessly in a place you are not familiar with." She said. "Please Aunt Sebrina we'll be careful we won't talk to anyone and we'll stay in the general area." I begged as we shuffled out of the cab as Uncle Brian paid the driver.

A man came up to us and took oir bags and pit them on a gold carrier thing and brought them to the room. "Please mom please we promise." Madeline added. Aunt Sebrina kept silent for a moment contemplating her next response. "Fine" she agreed reluctantly.  "But on one condition. " she added.

"Oh dear lord." Madeline sighed. "Maddie!" I hissed elbowing her in the side. "Jeez okay okay what's the one condition? " she asked. "You carry this." This she said stuff8ng her hand in her purse and pulling out two sets of pepper spray and two long shiny black things with a little flip button on it.

"Pepper Spray?" I asked curiously.  "Yes their are alot of creeps out in the world you girls need protection." She explained like it was normal. "And what is this ?" I asked examining the vlack object that was given to us each. "No don- it's a switch blade and a very sharp one so be careful with that." Mads explained takimg the blade from me as I wipped away the blood coming from the small cut in my thumb.

"Yeah you should probably hold onto that." I said pushing her hand away as she attempted to return the death stick to me. "Yeah your probably right. " she giggled. "Do you need me to hold the pepper spray too or do you think you can handle not macing yourself in the eyes? " she hunched over laughing.

"Shut up!" I said walking towards the exit. "Are you coming or not?" I asked turning around looking at her trying to regain ber composure. "Yeah yeah I'm coming." She said jogging over to me. "Have fun girls be back in time for dinner were going to Aunt Samantha's and well you know how she is. Have fun and be safe." She waved at us.

"We will!" We smiled stepping out into the big city taking in the air .

"So where to first."

I'm in L-o-V-e with my COUSINDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora