"I just got a call." Hermione said her eyes kind of bulging in surprise.

        "Really? I didn't hear a ring."

        "My cell phone vibrated. My ex-husband committed suicide?" She said it as a question.

        "What? He's dead?"

        "Yes." But she wasn't crying. She wasn't freaking out. She didn't care anymore. Did she hate him this much?

        "Hermione..." He put his arm around her waist and pulled her toward himself in a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed as hard as she could. Ron clenched his hand into a fist wanting to punch Eddie square in the face.

        While watching this muggle comfort Hermione on his death, he couldn't stop thinking of Joy again. How Hermione had cried for days over a daughter she never met. Whenever she would have a meltdown Ron would hold her close to him and whisper soothing words into her ear. And some days they would just cry together.

        Hermione pulled away a bit after a few minutes. "Thanks." She whispered to him. She leaned back in a planted a light kiss to his lips. "I love you."

        "I love you more." He whispered back.

        "Are you ready to eat?" She looked to force a smile

        "I'm not sure. I am pretty comfortable right here."

        "Ah, well, maybe we could just sit here for a little bit longer." She sighed and turned around and set her head on his shoulder.

        "I like that idea." He put his arm around her shoulders and started playing with her hair. Ron could not help but see how Hermione was acting like a teenager while with this Eddie guy. Is she using him to make up for losing her teenage romance to her dead ex-husband?

        "So, about that pet idea...?"

        "I think we can wait a bit for that." Hermione whispered looking up to his face and into his eyes.

        "I can do that. But, I don't think I can wait for this." Eddie got up off the couch and kneeled down in front of Hermione. "We have been together for four years now and I have loved you since the moment I met you.  You are beautiful, the most intelligent person I have ever known, you have wonderful children, and you are perfect. So will you do me the honor and marry me?" He then pulled a little velvety red box out of his pocket.

        She had tears on the rim of her eyes and a huge grin on her lips but before she could answer her head slowly swiveled towards the direction of the kitchen. "Do you smell smoke?" And suddenly a high pitched screeching alarm blared through the house.

        "What is that noise?" Eddie screamed with his hands covering his ears.

        "The smoke alarm! Dinner!" Hermione scrambled to her feet and ran into the kitchen with Eddie on her heels and Ron on his.

        There was smoke billowing out of the edges of the oven. "What do we do?" Hermione screamed watching the scene in front of her.

        "I don't know! Where is your fire extinguisher?"

        "I don't have one!"

        "What? What do you mean you don't have a fire extinguisher?"

        Hermione's hand shot over to the counter next to her. Ron hadn't noticed before but her wand was sitting right there.

        "Alohomora!" She screamed pointing her wand right at the oven door. She heard it unlatch then took her broom which had been propped up right on the other side of her. She took the end of it and opened the door the rest of the way.

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