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So it's Christmas in Michigan, yep, that's where we moved! Here's the whole story... Me and Ross got married and had a daughter named Casey, before we had Casey, me and Ross moved to Michigan. Casey's 6. I remember growing up in Michigan, snowy and freezing winters, hot and 100 degree summers. It's different here now, when Casey turned two in December, (did I mention she has the same birthday as ross?) the weather changed. The snow melted, it got warmer, and never snowed again. So as of my career, I started a acting career, and I went on the broadway hits and Ross went on your with R5 when Casey was 4, Maia kidnapped Casey when Ross was on tour, but Casey stayed strong, and Casey came back home after 1 month, one terrible month of police searches and no sleep. Casey's blonde like Ross and curly hair with brown highlights like me, and green eyes. And me and Ross are living happy ever after. Did I say that Hazel married Rocky and Rydel and Ellington are engaged?


So...... I hope u love it and the sequel WILL HAPPEN!!!!!  It's called Things are looking up!!!! So check that out and remember to read my new story 'Hi, I'm Brittney...' I love you all with all my heart! Stay Rossome and  Dauntless,


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