rebellious roots

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R E B E L L I O U S  R O O T S 

by xxLastSummerxx

"Isabella Marie Flemming," Gabriel murmurs, his accent glorifying the likes of my name, "I can show you a world of color, sí tu quieres." ∞

The Flemming Family is known for their wealth and connections. Constantly under the spotlight as the 'modern princess' at a young age, Isa Flemming was stripped of her childhood and was instead guided to focus on her future in the family business.

As she follows her father on an investment mission abroad, she witnesses the customs and beauty of a life without care. In the heart of Puerto Rico, she finds herself embracing freedom, discovering herself, and questioning her set future.

Deep down, Isa knows the life she is leading isn't the life she wants. The seeds of doubt were planted in her head at a very early stage and each day, they grow. Being under tremendous pressure at the age of seventeen, everyone knows it is only a matter of time before the seeds of doubt pave way for her rebellious roots.

What she doesn't expect is for Gabriel to be by her side when it happens.

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