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Somewhere within a darkened room, a single book lay open on a long, desk. A dimly lit lamp poured it's yellow light onto the slightly wrinkled, worn pages within the leather journal. This particular journal was especially important. Within it were the records of Umbrella Corporperstion, a pharmaceutical company that had been selling all sorts of medications across the globe. That company had also been secretly creating bio-organic weapons and performed various, horrible experiments on poeple. The journal also held the secrets of one of the men, Oswell E. Spencer, who had helped create and build that company and one of the experiments he began was scribbled into the tainted pages in neat cursive letters.

"Spencer's Journal.

February 17, 1960.

I am tired of the world and these stupid, insignificant creatures known as humans. They will inevitably destroy this world... The disease of the human race must cease, but how?
I will find a means to create a breed of humans who will outlive the destruction of this world. Yes, that is what I must do.

May 9, 1960.

Dr. Wesker has agreed to aid me with my vision to create superior beings that will rule the new world along side me. All that is left is finding the perfect specimen.

May 26, 1960.

I have began my search for the children with perfect genes. It will not be long, now. Soon I will have the children and I my vision of the world being perfect will become a reality.

May 27, 1960.

The first twenty subjects have been brought to the facility. We will begin testing on them now. Dr. Wesker and I discussed some things of importance and we agreed to let the children have his surname.

May 30, 1960.

Day four of the Wesker Project.
Two out of the twenty subjects are still alive. The rest have either died or have mutated from being injected with the Progenitor Virus. This is rather disappointing. It is no matter, however. We have more subjects being shipped in tonight and we will begin injecting them as well.

June 4, 1960.
The two surviving test subjects died in the esrly hours this morning. Such a shame, really. I had hoped they would be the key to my success.

June 8, 1960.

Another shipment of subjects have been brought to the facility. A total of fifty-three subjects have died from being injected by the Progenitor Virus... I have told the researchers, including Dr. Wesker, to charm the new children into taking the injections, rather than doing so by force. If this approach brings better outcomes of the children's cooperation, then we will continue doing it like so. If not, then we will return to injecting them forcefully."

The book was forcefully shut and a gloved hand's spread fingers clenched into a fist. The man in sunglasses stood where he was and glared daggers at the infernal thing. He hadn't even been able to get halfway through the old writing without getting upset. Alas, Spencer had warned Albert of his outrageous anger and that it could be his downfall one day if he did not control it. The blonde let out a deep sigh as he sat back down in the cushioned chair and he stared down at the journal with a wary look. He remembered everything the old fool had put him and the other children through.

Any child would appreciate such a wonderful home, complete with free studies, food, clothing...

It had almost been the perfect life and it had all been a lie.

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