Invisible till seen

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Waking up early was usual by now for Shinso, by now he learned to live with it. Getting up he shuffled over to his desk and got changed hoping to beat the rest of the students to the vending machine, he really didn't want to deal with anyone at this time and just enjoy his coffee. Walking down the hall he enjoyed the silent bliss, not having to deal with anyone in the morning was a gift, upon reaching the machine he noticed voices coming from the opposite side from where he stood.

Really....great now I'll have to deal with idiots, He sighed and continued to get his drink.

"Hey, your that mind freak from the General educations class right?" Shinso looked over to see some students walking up to him...great he thought. "Oy, answer me" The student grabbed his shoulder and squeezed that's gonna bruise...Wincing as the boy squeezed harder causing him to almost drop his coffee, he opened his mouth getting ready to speak...

"HEY KNOCK IT OFF!!" Shinso turned towards the voice and saw a head of green running at them, the boy who was gripping his shoulder had let go sometime and was now looking at the green haired boy. What was his name again...ah Deku right? Just then two others showed up beside Deku, one with brown hair and another with dark blue.

"Huh, who the hell are you guys, the freaks friend?" The three looked surprised as the words left his mouth, Shinso didn't blame them. What happened next though shocked him, the boy who before was after him was now running away with his lackeys following.

"Todoroki, when did you get here?" Todoroki was walking towards Deku and his gang that were around Shinso. Then realising it was his chance to escape he started to slowly make his way out of the corner he was in. Deku though noticed right away and God forbid smiled at him, "Hey your Shinso right, I'm Deku we fought against each other remember!" The boy gleaned up at him, taking him by surprise once again.

He reached up to his neck, which became a nervous habit of his and he slowly tried to smile back, "Yeah...." he looked away nervously again. Though he looked up to see that Aizawa-sensei was heading in their direction.

"Get to class." Aizawa said and then he nodded towards Shinso causing the other four to switch glances between them. "Deku, Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, meet Shinso your new classmate." They all stood there in silence for a while before Shinso started making his way to class, noticing his absent the others hurried after to catch up. Sighing Aizawa walked behind them.

Shinso received multiple glances as he walked to his desk, just fantastic why do I have to sit behind the explosive Pomeranian, just great. He sat down and tried his best to stay awake during the first half of announcements when Present-mic waltzed in.

"HEY CLASS READY FOR AN AWESOME TIME IN CLASS!" Half the class groaned as he walked to the front, "TODAY YOUR GOING TO BE GETTING INTO GROUPS OF TWO FOR A PROJECT OF YOU CHOICE!" Shinto groaned mentally and let his head fall to his desk, its be a miracle if he fell asleep now.

He awoke to someone slapping his head fur the down into his desk, flipping his head up violent eyes met red. "Hey, dumbass don't make me wait for you." Bakugo started walking towards the door before looking back over his shoulder, "Come to my dorm then afterwards, we're not doing this dumb project in your shitty room, got it?" and with that he left.

The rest of the day went by without any trouble for him, well except a few classes. Shuffling up to the dorms, big mistake cause when he walked he was bombarded with questions. He screamed mentally, God why did this have to happen now of all times?

"OY, DUMBASS WHAT THE HELL, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING SO DAMN LONG!?" great we've been graced with the presence of another idiot, Shinso sighed as Bakugo came into sight, his face said it all, he was pissed. Stalking up to him he grabbed his arm and dragged him through the bunch of people, mostly Deku and his friends, and up to his room, there he finally let go of Shinso and closed the door.

"What the hell man?" Shinso said, but in return got a scoff from the blond, who sat down opposite of him. "So what topic are we doing?" now that earned him a glare from the blond this time, he found himself smirking. Maybe this'll be fun after all.

After they and chosen a topic both were getting hungry, though not wanting to leave the safety of the room, Shinso stood and instantly regretted it, due to his lack of sleep due to his dann insomnia. Bakugo looked up at the purple head boy when he stood, noticing the boy sway slightly he sighed, though what he didnt expect was for the boy to fall backwards on top of him.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Bakugo struggled to get up, managing to after 15 minutes he looked back down at the boy, he had his eyes scrunched closed as though he was having a nightmare and his skin was more pale than it should be, noticing the sudden coat of sweat on his face Bakugo sighed and crouched down next to him. Dammit why am I even doing this...He groaned mentally and slowly picked the boy back up, taking him over to his head and laid him down.

Placing a hand on the taller boys forehead he pulled it back away noticing now not he was. Shit I need to get something to cool him down, he looked around his room and rushed to the bathroom, soaked a cloth and rushed back to where Shinso now laid on his bed. "Hey you better not puke on me got it dumba" he stayed silent a little before opening his moot again. "Shinso." he said, huh, he thought I like the way it rolls off my tongue, a lot easier to say than an insult, right? Soon realising what he just thought his face went bright read, almost rivaling that of his eyes.

He shook his head of the thought when he saw Shinso opening his eyes, his breath was ragged, he noticed violet eyes staring at him.

"You fuck why the hell did you decide to just fai-" He stopped when he felt the others hand on top his head, w-what the fuck!!!! He screamed mentally, his face heating up as he started at the others face that was getting slowly getting closer. When their faces were so close together their noses were touching Shinso smiled, a gentle, warm, and caring smile, not like the fake or sarcastic smirks that he usually wears but a real smile.

"Huh, your hairs actually really soft." He blinked as the other slowly patted his head once again before sitting up. The other reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone, and handed it to him. "Mind if I get your phone number, that way it'll be easier to schedule and talk about things you-know." Shinso slowly walked out of Bakugo's room.

"Don't go fainting on me next time dick." Bakugo yelled as Shinso was walking away.

"Sure, asshole." Shinso said while waving. Didn't know he had that side to him...let's wait and see, I just hope to not get blown up. He smirks as he looks down at his phone.
[Bakugo] ~ [selected, whish to change name?]
Name changed to 'Pomeranian'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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