My part of the history

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Hi, my name is Allison Hudson, I'm 13 years and I live with my mom Rachel and her husband Jesse.
So a little bit of backstory on the why of my existence, my mom met a man and had a one night stand with him, but she somehow got lucky and stayed with him for a while until he passed and honestly i don't know why, she never told me and to a degree I get it. It must be hard to cope with the death of someone that seemed to be pretty amazing; but those are the few things I know about him because I can't even remember his face and how could I... I mean he died when I was only 8 months, the only thing I've to remember him is his last name (it's pretty tbh) and that's why I don't want to change it to the last name of someone so horrible like Jesse.

The day didn't start very well or so I thought until I heard someone (I eavesdropped a little bit alright):

JESSE: You're not going to fuck it up alright, he shouldn't contact her nor that thing she has for a daughter. Make him think they're dead like they're SUPPOSED to be Finn NEEDS to keep on NOT knowing about Rachel...

So obviously like someone who happens to be such a great daughter I told my mother parts of what I heard because I wanted to get Jesse in some trouble, to say the least my mother acted surprised (honestly I wonder why).

RACHEL: What?!, they were talking about Finn... Honey, tell to your dad that come here for a minute.

Honestly I was a little too angry when she said that Jesse is my dad, I never treated him like such...  It's frustrating when they call him that because of the same reason he's never been one (at least not to me), but with no other option I went and told him that my mom needed to talk to him.

So... when he went to talk to my mom and eavesdropped again, because what's life without drama.

JESSE: Hey, sweetie what do you need?

RACHEL: (angry) You were talking about Finn in the phone Right? and don't tell I'm wrong because I heard everything.

JESSE: (nervous) Yes sweetie, why?


JESSE: I- I had a friend that's from Lima asking about him... he wanted to know about his friends...

RACHEL: I'm gonna let it pass but not because I believe you, it's because Ali could hear about him and I honestly don't want to tell her the truth...

JESSE: thank you honey, but you do know that the little monster is a professional eavesdropper right? And before you ask I know it was her that told you about the Finn thing, (whispering) she might be hearing right now.  I know you've been here for at least 2 hours.

Dang it, he's an idiot I HATE HIM why would he tell my mom that! and with those thoughts I went to the kitchen trying to be as silent as possible and grabbed a bag of chips trying to look as oblivious as possible.

it has been about 40 minutes and I'm doing nothing, so I go and gossip to my best friend (and uncle, that's sad i know) about what I heard because maybe he knows what rachel and jesse were on about.

ME: Hey, I need to tell you about a Finn something and an accident

KURT: Who's Finn and what happened in the accident?

ME: Dude whenever you put on a chipmunk voice is 1. annoying and 2. I know you're lying, I've known you my entire life and honestly you've known my mom the longest soooo yeah the timing of when she had that one night stand and the long friendship you've had match. so don't lie!!

KURT: Ok I'll tell you the truth... but i can't do it through the phone, and to be honest I'm in Lima visiting a friend.

ME: PERFECT!!!! I'm going to plan a little vacation to Lima, visit you, your friend and hopefully that Finn guy... he's still in Lima right???

KURT: Who knows honestly...

ME: Ok, gotta hang up before anyone catches me talking about this guy, the subject seems so secretive and I LOVE IT. byeeeee

And with that I hung up not waiting for a response back (it's so rude i know but i was excited) I've to convince my mom to have a little trip to Lima because I want to know where she grew up (or so I'm gonna make her believe). And so with that i head into their room, and I was surprised to see that Jesse wasn't in the room. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, but it definitely was a shock, he's like a larva; or whatever those animals that stick to your skin are... 

NOTE: sorry for the  sloppy writing and the story in general I started this 4 years ago and never got to publish it until now... so yeah sorry for the cringe... anyways hope you enjoyed it :)

also 866 words for the first chapter is long so, sorry for that too :')

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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