From a Flower to a Lighter

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Dear Dunhill Lighter, 

When I first saw your cool metal exterior, I thought you looked like a Harley. When a flame danced upon your head, I was mesmerised by the embers that decorated the air you breathed. I was always so bored, sitting in this soft soil watching the world spin around me as the same things go on in restless repetition, my roots like chains, not letting me leave. 

You visited me in my garden that was bedded with a blanket of luscious green grass, when the air was particularly fresh as I inhaled the sweet scent of the soil after a soft drizzle. You weren't afraid of the rain though, you had this sleek metal cap that could close and open anytime you wanted.

Once, you came at night  when we had the most perfect date. You sat in my pot on the soil, as we stared up the night sky. My leaves pointed at the stars as they reflected off of your body. You said the stars were just flaming balls of fire yet the most mesmerising fire was your's. When midnight struck, you opened your cap and your flame lit brighter than the Sun. It cancelled out every twinkling star and you kept me warm. You said not to get too close but I didn't listen. My stem would always lean against you and my leaves would arch itself until it was near.

Slowly, you lit every piece of me on fire and I couldn't stop loving the warmth. As my petals started disintegrating into ashes, you burned brightly, proudly even. You engulfed me in your flames and I was just grateful to be part of your performance, I've never felt so alive. I never knew how beautiful a burning flower could be as I saw my reflection in you, perishing in a glowing blaze so gently. Your flame was slowly nibbling my edges, sparking at every kiss. 

It started to flicker. There wasn't anything left of me to burn. Your metal cap closed. I felt like a performer who had taken her last bow. You went on to look for something that wouldn't decay so fast. You went on to look for a cigarette. Oh, but no cigarette could ever love your flame as beautifully as I did. 

With all my love, 


From a Flower to a Lighter | #PerfectDate ContestWhere stories live. Discover now