Forgive and Forget

Start from the beginning

"Sure." Nico's reply was blunt, as was his tone. It almost took Levi by surprise.

"We haven't had much time to see each other recently, have we?" He started, but then he paused. He watched Nico's expression, trying his best to decode it. His heart was racing in his chest as he swallowed down his nerves, clearing his throat before he started talking again. "I don't know if it is just me feeling this way, but I feel that our relationship is currently somewhat... strained."

Nico's expression changed from neutral to confused as he glanced away for a brief moment, his posture straightening as he shifted his weight on his feet. He shook his head a little as he looked away, his brows furrowing deeply. "I'm sorry, where did that come from?"

"Well, I just- You haven't been replying to my texts that often and when you have, you've been rather blunt," Levi stated, bringing his hands out from his pocket to fidget with his fingers. Nico scoffed a little at Levi's words, folding his arms across his chest as he turned his gaze back to his partner in front of him.

"I've been kind of busy recently if you haven't noticed. I'm also exhausted, so as soon as I get home, I crash. I don't have the energy, Levi. I really wish I did, as I miss talking to you like we used to." Nico tried to explain, hoping his words came out as he wanted them to. He couldn't quite tell. Now that he was stationary, the lack of sleep was really beginning to catch up with him.

"It's not just the texts," Levi completely disregarded of Nico's previous reply. "Even when we pass each other in the halls, you act as if I'm not there."

"Again, I'm usually busy and wrapped up in work. Again, I'm also exhausted. All I'm thinking about when I go between patients is how much I want to get home and sleep. I'm focused on getting where I need to without falling asleep. Can't you understand that?" Nico's tone was pleading as he took a step towards Levi, letting out a deep sigh as he reached a hand out, taking Levi's hand in his own.

"I do, I just- I feel like we aren't together anymore." Levi regretted what he said as soon as it left his mouth.

"What are you saying?" Nico's eyes narrowed a little as he questioned Levi, his head tilting to the side. Levi stammered over his words, hoping he could fix what he just let slip.

"No, no, I'm just saying that we don't have time for each other, maybe we should-"

Nico dropped Levi's hand from his own and took a step back, which stopped Levi from talking immediately. The look that Nico wore was s strong mix of confusion and hurt as he tried to figure out what Levi was talking about. Levi was beginning to panic as he realized that there was no way of reversing his words now. There was no way he'd be able to take back what he'd said.

"Are you saying we should break up?" Nico didn't look angry, like Levi had much expected him to. He looked completely broken, the thought of Levi leaving him something which he had never fathomed. Levi had never hated himself more than he did in that very moment.

"No!" Levi denied, taking a rushed and desperate step towards Nico, who only took a step back in response. "Nico, that isn't what I'm saying!"

"It very much sounds like it." Nico states as he turns on the ball of his foot, not wanting to have to deal with all of this drama now. He was completely exhausted and he knew that he could snap at any given point. Now was not the right time for him to be talking about something so serious. It would be smarter to leave the situation and calm down before he said or did something he truly regretted.

Levi took off after Nico when he finally seemed to snap back into reality. Nico was just opening his car door when Levi managed to stop him, pushing himself in front of the car door, forcing it out of Nico's grip and causing it to slam shut. The abruptness of it all almost knocked the wind out of Levi; it wasn't like him to be doing something so rash. Normally, he would have just let people walk out of his life. Nico was different. He planned on fighting to keep him.

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