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Renjun showed the large man his I.D and when the bouncer saw who sent him, he immediately let the boy enter.

He had heard the place was easy to get money out of, which he was thankful for, he couldn't wait to get home to sleep.

He stepped inside and immediately noticed how intoxicated the people inside were, everyone's eyelids were half shut and people were stumbling around. He went deeper in to the bar where the real deals were.

The typical games were there. Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, etc. There was nothing special about the place but he would have to gather up 20,000 dollars by the end of the night.

Renjun walked around until he found a game that interested him, Chinese poker. Some people say the game is pure luck but there's always a special way you can adjust your cards. It was definitely one of his favorite games.

He watched the men at the table as they laughed cockily, beating the man at the end of the table. The man gave away his stack of money miserably, walking away in defeat.

Renjun took a deep breath and fixed the clips in his hair that Bao made him wear. He walked up to the table of patronizing men and gave them a nice smile.

"Um...would you mind if I played with you." Renjun said shyly, looking down at his fingers. The men looked him up and down and laughed.

"Do you have anything to offer, little boy?" The man at the end of the table questioned, his smile unfaltering.

"Um...yes." Renjun took out about a thousand dollars from his backpack and placed it on the table. The men looked at him with interest, they all began whispering to each other.

"Okay, you can play with us but we don't want your money..." The man to the left smirked disgustingly, his yellow teeth reminding Renjun of a moldy squash.

"If we win, we get to mess around with you for an hour or two, eh..?" The third man raised a brow, looking at Renjun suggestively. Renjun threw up a little in his mouth at the thought.

"Okay then..." Renjun smiled, sitting where the previous man was. The three men chuckled.

"This should only take about one round then?" The man in the middle smiled creepily, getting ready to shuffle the cards. Renjun nodded, putting his money back in his backpack.

"How about we do $500, $1000, $2000?" The men started taking out their money from their expensive designer bags. Renjun did the math and even if he won all three rounds, he knew that wouldn't be near $20,000 and he'd preferred to only play one game today.

"How about $2000, $3000, $4000?" Renjun suggested with a timid voice. The men looked at him skeptically. He had to get them to agree to the deal, he looked around the room and saw a silver object that might interest the men.

He stood up to get the two silver objects from below a dancer's feet, he placed them on the table, along with $10,000 dollars from his backpack.

The men looked at the handcuff's and smirked at each other. "2,3,4 it is then."

The men took stacks out of their bags, placing it next to them. "Let's begin."

The man in the middle began shuffling the cards, he handed 13 cards to each person. Renjun picked up his cards and saw how he had 3 aces. Fucking idiots can't even shuffle a deck correctly.

He looked at the rest of his cards and saw how he didn't get any Queens and only one king but he did get 2 Jacks and two 10's which is all he needed.

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