Chapter 2

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"We, we made it! We actually made it!" I cheered as the relief washed over me and I collapsed to my knees.

After taking a moment to just breathe, and calm my nerves, I stared out over the colorful void that made up the space between realms. The vividly glowing branches of the world tree spreading out in all directions, as far as the eye could see. This place always had a pleasant view, but I'd never been so happy to see it before now.

"Aye, that we did lad. If only barely." Mimir chimed in.

Father grumbled. "We survived, but our enemies still haunt our step. From here on out we must be vigilant."

"Indeed, I also think it wise for us to keep moving. A moving target is always harder to hit as they say." Mimir suggested earning a nod of agreement from father.

"Speaking of which, where are we going from here?" I had to ask, because I really hadn't put much thought into what to do after escaping with our lives.

"We shall go to see the dwarves." Father declared.

When I heard my father say that I perked me up a little bit. I hadn't seen the dwarf brothers in quite some time and it'd be nice to catch up. "We're going to see Brok and Sindri!?" I asked excitedly.

Father gave a curt nod. "We could use supplies and our weapons are in need of repair." He explained as he unfolded his shield to show off the numerous cracks, scratches, and dents in the metal. Then he looked down at me and the weapons on my back. "Your bow is also cracked. It will not be reliable like that."

"Makes sense to me, those two might also have something to help with those wounds." Mimir declared while directing his gaze up at father's burnt and bloodied chest.

"I will be fine head. These wounds are nothing." Father shot back before he tensed his body, likely to channel some of his energy, and causing most of the small injuries to quickly disappear, though some still remained.

"I'm sure most of those will heal just fine, but many were caused by Mjölnir. I'm sure you know by now that it is no ordinary hammer. Even for a god like you, those wounds won't heal overnight." Mimir explained.

Father grumbled in annoyance but conceded Mimir's point. "Fine, then we should also find someplace to rest."

"Can't we just stay with Brok and Sindri?" I asked because I knew that Tyr's Temple would have more than enough room for them.

"No!" Father and Mimir said at the same time catching me off guard.

"What, why not!?" I inquired, feeling more than a little confused.

Father was the first to answer. "The gods are hunting us boy. We can't stay with the dwarves without putting them in danger."

"Oh, right! I guess that really wouldn't be a good idea!" I admitted before another realization came to me. "Hey, you actually do care about those two don't you?" I asked teasingly.

"They have their uses." Father said flatly.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say." I teased some more.

"No more talk, time is not on our side." Father declared before he made to move forward, stopping only momentarily to stare down at the blades on my back. I saw his hand twitch, and for a moment, I was sure he was going to take them from me, but he for some reason he didn't. Instead he spoke again, his tone cold and rigid. "Once, we get your bow repaired I will be taking those back. They're dangerous."

"Fine." I said, not seeing the point in arguing with him. He clearly wouldn't have it anyway, and I know for a fact, he was better with them.

"Good, now let us go." Was all he said before he began to march down the path and towards another portal which would lead us back into Midgard.

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