Chapter 1: The transferring

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Chapter 1 of Wrong?: The transferring


Remus walked in to Hogwarts with the rest of the marauders. He looked around. The school was very nice, a lot nicer than his last school. In the middle of the hall there was a table and some students was standing there with looks he couldn't exactly read. They walked up to the table and one girl started to talk.
"Hello new students and welcome to Hogwarts. My name is Mary and I am one of your tour guides." The girl said.
Remus was about to speak when a black haired guy spoke.
"Don't even think about taking over the school. This is our territory and we are just letting  you stay here because we are nice."
"First of all, who the hell do you think you are?"  Remus said. "And second of all, we don't have to take over this school, you will hand it over to us and beg on your bare knees that we should take over and we will do it because we are so kind." He gave the guy a cold smile.
"I am Sirius, Sirius Black. And you will never get this school, you're gonna look forward to sleep because that's the only way it's ever gonna happen, in your dreams."
Remus looked the boy up and down. He was handsome, he really was. He had long black hair and a muscular body. Just Remus type, but he tried to not think about that. He was probably straight and a northsider and least but not last a Black. The Blacks were rich and had a reputation of hating every southsider.
"Oo a Black. That explains a lot."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sirius said.
"I mean the attitude and also the stupid, disgusting hair."
"And who do you think you are?"
"I'm Remus Lupin."
"Aha, the marauder king by himself. I'm so honored."
"You're so funny, Black."
"Just shut up already!"
"No. And Mary, Am I right?" Remus said and the girl nodded. "Thanks for the offer abot tours but i think we will be fine on our own. Lets go guys!" And they walked away down the hall.


When the marauders walked in Sirius desperately wanted to be a part of them. He wanted to be that person who walked in the hallways looking like an awesome person with everybody looking at him, but don't care at all about it. And then the leader, later known as Remus Lupin walked up to him, and he was hot as hell. With brown curly hair and a leather jacket on his shoulders and a big scar in his face he looked like a total badass. He was so freaking handsome. So, so handsome. But Sirius couldn't think like that He was supposed to be straight. He was supposed to hate the southsiders and especially the southsiders who was in gangs. So he kept his act up and acted like a total dick. And Remus responded. But just before he left with the others Sirius thought he saw a stung of pain in Remus eyes. But it disappeared very quickly so he had no chance to see if it was real or not.

Later that day he came home. Or you couldn't exactly call it home. Sirius had no home. But what he was supposed to call home was hell, HELL.
His so called mother, Walburga Black, came up to him as soon as he entered the house.
"Sirius" She said.
"Mother" Sirius said. Bitch, he thought.
"I heard some students from the southside have transferred to your school." Walburga said.
"Yes they have, mother." He answered and tried not to think about the cool persons that walked down the hall that day, he especially tried tot to think about a special leader...
"I expect you to not associate with them" Walburgas voice bring him back to reality.
"I won't, mother."
"Good. Now go up to your room and do your school work."
"Yes, mother."
Sirius walked up to his room and did his homework. After dinner he got to bed. And all time he thought about a special boy with soft brown curls and a scar over his handsome face.

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