Oh my god were popular!

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Elsa's pov

" Hey we should have a group Name! " I said merrily

" Wait your planning on staying with us? " jack said in shock

" Yeah why wouldn't I? " I asked slightly hurt

" Well we don't want to bring you down to our level on the social radar " Merida said sadly

" I don't care about being popular all I care about is having loyal and trusting friends " I said full of emotion.

" Really " they all exclaimed

" Yes really. Hey! I thought of a good group name we could be the ' big 5 '" I said excited again.

" That sound amazing " hiccup and Merida said at the same time. Aww. Then we exchanged schedules and saw we had all the same classes. We walked into first period and people rushed to me and pushed my group to the back.

" Make a path " I said and they did.

I waved my group forward and they did shyly.

" These are my friends and we are the big 5. Mess with them and you mess with me! " I said scarily. People nodded except one girl who stepped towards me.

" You think your all that huh? well I'm the most richest popular girl in this school! my daddy is vice president of the ' white corporation '. What does your dad do? work as a plumber? " the girl said sneering.

She did not

Just insult

My father

" Well for your information you dumb bitch I don't care about being popular or rich which I am. Secondly 'white corporation' was founded my father and I'm the PRESIDENT. Did your father ever tell you about an Elsa winters? cause I'm his boss the owner of 'white corporation'. And my father is dead and he left me everything so I can easily fire your dad. No one and I mean NO ONE EVER insults MY father! " I said in an angry voice.

The girl looks shocked an then she mummers a sorry and runs out the class room. Everybody claps. I look at my group weirdly.

" The girl you just told of her name is Victoria. shes one of the biggest bullies in the school! " jack said in shock. I nodded and sat in the nearest chair.

~~~ skip to lunch~~~

We were heading to lunch on the crowded hall way when the crowd made a path for all of us and they all started to cake their faces with makeup and putting on cologne and mixing there hair. What's going on?

" There they are! "

" The big 5! "

" Elsa is looking sexy! "

" Jack looks so hot! "

" Merida is looking good! "

" Hiccup is too gorgeous to handle! "

" Rapunzel is looking hella fine! "

Boys and girls were screaming these things. I guess we're popular. The rest of the group looked confused. I will explain later.

We walk to the lunching and everyone steps back and let's us get out lunch first. Then everybody got up from there seats and offered us there table. We settled for an empty table in the middle of the room. As we sat down Merida raised her eyebrows at me.

" you guys are popular " I explained.

" We are popular?!?! " they screamed and looked around to see everyone staring at them with dreamy eyes.

My group got up and beat hugged me.

" Thank you Elsa thank you. " Merida said

" We owe it all to you! " hiccup said

" Your the most magical person I have ever met! " Rapunzel said. You have no idea.

I got new powers that I will explain later.

" Your the best thing that ever happened to us! "jack said he feels really warm and soft. Wait what?!

Maybe I can trust them with my secrets. Maybe I can help them understand. Or maybe I still need to conceal and most importantly don't feel.

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