Barry×Adam ○Monopoly○

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Barry walked into his apartment he shared with his boyfriend Adam. He had just gotten home from a long day at work, beeing a lawyer was hard.

"Adam?" Barry called as he looked for his boyfriend. That's when he saw a note taped onto their fridge. It read

Meet me in the living room~

Barry made his way into the living room, grabbing a glass of honey on the way. He opened the door to see a blanket and Monopoly board. "What could he bee up to?" Barry muttered under his breath.

All of the sudden he felt arms wrap around him, covering his eyes and heard a familiar voice say "guess who~"

The arms were then removed to reveal Adam, who then led Barry to the blanket with the board game set up. " Adam, what is all of this?" Barry exclaimed. Adam then replied "It's game night silly, we haven't had one in so long!"

Barry let out an airy chuckle as he got settled. " Alright as long as I get to be the ship!" Adam looked disappointed but muttered an ok. He then chose his second favorite; the dog.

After three hours of playing and constant bickering between the couple Adam won the game.

"You cheated!" Barry hollered

"I would never!" Adam replied, upset at the accusation.

"But you did! How can I trust you?" At this Adam got up and left the room.

Of course he left that's all he ever does when we argue. Why won't he just act like an adult?

Barry, with steam practically coming out of his ears, grabbed his yellow and black jacket and then stormed out of the door.

Barry called taxi and didn't even have to tell him where to go. The taxi soon pulled up to the nearest Subway.

Barry walked inside and ordered his usual, a meatball sub. The whole twelve centimeters. Once he received his order he sat at a table, realising nobody else was there. He put in his ear buds and listened, as this always calmed him.

Before he knew it he was out like a light bulb.

One weird dream later~

Barry woke up to being poked harshly in his shoulder. He lifted up his head and sleepily rubbed his eyes.

"Sir, it's the end of my shift and I need you to leave."
Instead of doing what the lady said Barry replied with

"What time is it?" He was surprised as his voice was groggy from his slumber.

"It's midnight" the lady replied after checking her watch."Sir, are you alright?"

"I got in a fight with my boyfriend and now I feel stupid about it."

The girl sighed.

"Do you love him?"

"More than anything" Barry said truthfully.

"Well then go and apologise. If you love him as much as you say then you should go and get him, show him how much he means to you." This girl is smart Barry thought.

"You know what? You're right. I love Adam and would do anything for him, I can not let us break up over a silly fight!" Barry got up and left the girl slightly confused but glad to help.

   After Barry left the Subway he stopped by the closest gas station. When he was roaming the linoleum isles he saw Adams favorite; honey combs.

     After paying for the yummy cereal Barry exited the gas station and hailed a cab. After telling the driver where to go the cab pulled to a halt in front of the apartment complex. Barry stormed up to the door with purpose and slid the key in, unlocking the door.
When Barry entered he noticed it was eerily quite .

"Adam?" He called into the dark threshold. He then heard Adam hum, letting Barry know that he was located in the living room. Barry practically ran into the room that Adam occupied.

     "Adam I'm so sorry I was acting immature and should not have acted so very rashly and I probably messed things up between us and now I'm just rambling but the point is I'm sorry and-"

      Barry was cut off by Adam pulling him into a passionate hug, and gladly hugged his boyfriend back.

       "I'm sorry to I also was acting rashly and I deeply regret getting upset over a silly game that should not matter."

         After telling each other how big their love for the other then fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others embrace.

         After what seemed like forever but was really just a few minutes Adam broke the silence.

   "I still won the game."



word count:771

I finished this at 12:27 am so the last bit may be kinda weird....oh well make sure to leave a star and comment, and if you want request a story!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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