Coming over

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(Sorry this took so damn long, not been doing great and i have many ideas to put into this in the future ;)- Ryuk)

3rd person P.O.V


Ethan sat in his chair, pondering for a moment whether he should text Si or just call him, after all, he didn't want to bother him. Fuck it, I'll just call him. He picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts, down to 'Moné' and tapped on the phone icon. Ringing, ringing, come on.

"Hey, " Si said sounding slightly surprised. Ethan was silent for a moment. "Ethan?", Si said growing more concerned.

Ethan finally replied, " Uh, could you come over?"

Si thought for a moment, " Uhhhhhh, yeah? Ok, what's up?", Worry laced through his voice.

"I had an accident-uh-and I need some help, " He muttered as he felt ruby red blood dripping from his face down onto his leg.

"When?! Shit-what happened?" Simon said, his voice growing higher as he was awfully concerned.

"I just come as soon as possible. Please, " Ethan stuttered.


Driving carelessly, Simon drove through a red light and sped, he wasn't usually like this but he just wanted Ethan to be ok. What's happened? What if he's seriously injured?! What's wrong? How can I-ok, stop, Simon Calm yourself, just get there first.

30 minutes later

Simon's car pulled up outside Ethan's block of flats, and he began to run into the lobby, with a glistening bead of sweat dripping from his brow and hurried up to Ethan's floor. He started struggling to breathe, from a mixture of the fact that he's just ran and hurried to get to him and the fact that he has no idea what has happened to him. When he finally reached Ethan's door he lunged towards it, slamming his fist loudly on the oak door.


Knock knock. Shit. Ethan hoisted himself up from his chair slowly, it creaking as he moved. Knock knock. He walked briskly into the hallway, opening the door. Si had a somewhat normal expression for a moment until he looked at his face. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost, looking as white as a sheet.

"Ethan! What the fuck happened? You need to go to the hospital or something, " barked Simon as he gesticulated wildly towards him.

Ethan stared back at him, except he was blank, almost looking zombie-like. Si just sighed loudly before inviting himself in, grabbing a cloth, running it under the cold tap, and an ice pack from his freezer. After he jogged back over to him he looked at Ethan, he looked depressed, he hadn't really seen him like this before and it made Simon upset. He patted his best friend on the shoulder from behind and whispered, "Come on it'll be ok.". Ethan turned back around to him with a glistening tear running down his flustered bloodied skin and nodded.

" Ethan..." Simon hushed softly as he hugged him, letting Ethan rest in the nook of his shoulder. Ethan didn't let anyone see him like this but Si was his best friend, the only exception. Ethan had always rather drowned out his problems than actually trying to find a solution. The way he did that: alcohol. Simon was aware that he'd had problems with alcohol in the past but never found out how bad it had it had gotten. The only reason he'd been able to not drink was because of his youtube doing well and the fact the sidemen had just dropped a new line of merch. But now he had to use booze as his comfort blanket again. Simon held onto him tighter, after a while, he calmed down and stepped back.

"We need to get your head checked out," assured Simon softly. I'm so fucking tired.

5 minutes later

Simon opened his mouth but before he could speak Ethan came out with, "I'm guessing you wanna know what happened, right?"

Si sighed loudly, before nodding and grabbing the wheel tighter, the bones on his knuckles bulging out slightly.

"Em and I aren't doing so good, " he muttered, coughing slightly.

"Why?", Simon said, trying to give equal amounts of attention on Ethan and the road.

"We got in an argument-", he paused for a moment to sigh, "I invited her over, I wanted to spend time with her, but I needed to edit my video, which sounds stupid out loud but-"

"I know you care a lot about your career so it's not stupid," Si stated sympathetically.

"I shouldn't care about it more than my fucking girlfriend!" It was just silent, awkward silence as they stared at each other, Simon looking mildly surprised, then recollecting himself.

"Sorry, you haven't done anything wrong, you've been here for me, I shouldn't take this out on you." He looked down at his feet shamefully. I'm such an idiot, what is wrong with me?

Simon cleared his throat, brushing Ethan's outburst aside, "Don't worry, you're stressed."

"So I just left her in the living room watching Netflix for most of the day whilst I edited, we got into an argument-she slapped me," Ethan mumbled towards the end.

"Are you kidding?" Simon growled.

Ethan ignored the question, carrying on, "I couldn't deal with it and I drank.." Si's face changed to an unrecognisable expression. Oh no. "Then I threw the bottle...and yeah," he stated, pointing to his face. Simon sighed, not speaking as he pulled into the hospital's car park. It wasn't as full as they had expected with only roughly half being full. But Ethan was expecting to get seen relatively quickly as his face felt pretty bad and he hadn't seven seen it yet. He couldn't even feel the slowly coagulating blood running down onto his shirt and joggers but he was a little drunk so he didn't really feel it, he was more out of it from shock than anything else.

After parking the car, Simon opened the door to his relatively shitty car and rushed round to the other side of the car as Ethan was getting out and hugged him tightly. Ethan waited for a minute, enjoying it.

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