Chapter 7: "You've got yourself a cowboy!"

Start from the beginning

Lily was turning red, "Lucinda!" she gasped accusingly looking around to see if anyone had heard. Of course someone had. The rest of the receptionists at the desk looked up at Lily with large girlish grins on their faces. People in the waiting room turned their attention to the commotion knowing to look at Lily since the receptionists were looking at her. Her face was burning up with embarrassment.

"I'm right aren't I?" Lucinda said barely able to contain the glee that seemed to be overflowing within her. "It's all you ever talk about Lily. You always said the only boy you could ever fall in love with was a cowboy. It's happened hasn't it. What's his name?"

"Honestly Lucinda," Lily said feeling like her face was on fire, "you can be such a child sometimes."

At this, Lucinda smirked sarcastically, "Child? Child? Look who's blushing her face off."

"I'm going to get my scrubs," Lily announced trying to ignore the stares she was receiving from everyone around her. In a desperate attempt to cover her face, she used her purse to cover up any form of embarrassment. It was no use since everyone could pretty much tell she was embarrassed because she was covering her face.

"Hey!" someone shouted as she shoved past them, but stopped in her tracks when she recognized their voice. "Rookie!" he shouted in anger.

Lily let out a sigh lowering the purse from her face and then turning around to face her accuser, Dawson Parsons. Dr. Parsons was a very attractive, tall, dark haired, brooding doctor who seemed intent on making her life miserable. Most of the single nurses at the hospital had major crushes on him and Lily couldn't understand how they managed to deal with the fact that they were basically in love with the spawn of Satan. He was an extremely intelligent doctor who cared about his patients, but would instantly become furious if anything went wrong. Lily couldn't understand why someone with such a good resume in medicine, would be working in a small town like Montpelier, Idaho. He was young, at least in his early thirties, and devoted. Which made him prone to blow up at any moment, and mostly, his anger had been directed towards Lily. Maybe because she talked back whenever he became angry with her, but she wasn't going to let someone like him intimidate her.

"Doctor," she said the tone in her voice a mixture of greeting and also bite me!

"Do you have any explanation of why you practically shoved me into the wall?!" his eyes showed he was going to hold nothing back as he lectured her.

She coughed impractically. "Because you're a jerk and I was trying to make it look like an accident," she mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Excuse me?" he said lifting his brow. The look of surprise on his face was suddenly replaced with rage.

She stared him square in the eye. Silently, she dared him to fight back. She knew he would. All she had to do was wait for him to say something that she could turn around and pinpoint it directly on him. Over the years, she had practiced this on people who would say something rude to her at school and often times, her sister.

"I said, 'Because you're a jerk'," she crossed her arms and squinted her eyes hoping he would be intimidated by her display.

"Watch your mouth rookie," he spat, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."

"Yeah you would know right?" she said curving her mouth into a smirk of maliciousness.

The fire in his eyes burned with annoyance and also amusement, "You do realize I can get you fired?" the fire burned brighter. He was a little intimidating, but not as intimidating as...

Daniel's effect on you? her stupid brain said.

The thought of this caused apprehension to appear on her face and Dr. Parsons caught it with a sickening grin, "It appears I've found something to intimidate you with rookie," he said. "I was starting to get worried."

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