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  Finnian, Roxy, Sylvia, & Mistake are all high school students at the School for Dumbasses & Sluts. Tonight, they were going to go to a party in a town a few hours away. They all go through their classes: Practicing Safe Sex, How Not To Start A Fire, Why You Shouldn't Drink and Drive, and How To Do Taxes 101. As the bell rings, releasing them from their own hell, they all start their long journey by walking to the next town over.

   A few hours later, they've finally made it to Hootersville, now they just needed to find the address of the party. Another hour later and they finally get there and they wonder how it took them so long to find it, the house they were looking for is literally covered in fairy lights and when they entered the town, there was literally a sign that said: "THE PARTY IS THIS WAY". They enter the party and instantly split up and look for food, particularly, marshmallows. 

  Finnian, Roxy, & Mistake meet up in the basement to see if there are any marshmallows. They look around for a bit and don't find any marshmallows, but they do find someone sitting in the corner getting high as shit. As they were searching, screams started to appear from upstairs and then there was the sudden smell of smoke that filled the basement; they thought it was nothing and kept looking. After about thirty minutes Finnian, Roxy, Mistake, and Alister (the druggie) go upstairs to find only find ashes and a rising sun. "Huh, I guess Alister is replacing Sylvia?" Mistake says quietly, everyone nods and they start walking off back home. As they're walking, a siren goes off and they're arrested for arson. 

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