2 - Mare

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A loud knock on my bedroom door startles me awake. Before I know it Farley is sitting on my bed with little Clara in the safety of her arms.
"I heard your going back to Norta."
"I am," I reply
"Well we'll come with you."
My mouth hangs open with shock.
"B, but," I gesture to Clara happily playing with Farley's hair.
"Mare," she sighs, "It's not a battlefield anymore, and besides, I'd like to see this whole 'Free Republic of Norta' thing for myself"
I can't argue with that, I find my mind wonder to Cal and absent mindedly run my finger over the ruby red earring in my ear. I put it in months ago, when we first landed in Montfort. He doesn't know.
"Well we leave in a day so I better pack our stuff."
Farley's voice brings me back to the present.
"Yes," I mutter.
And with that, Farley strides from the room, Clara waves her tiny hand at me as she disappears through the doorway.

Once my gear is packed, I head to Eve's quarters, and let myself in. I meet the usual sight, Evangeline forming and reforming her day's attire, and Elane, still half asleep trying hard to ignore the bright light flying through the window.
"Ever heard of manners Barrow," Eve coos.
I all but ignore her, "Come on Evie let's walk."
We roam through the many beautiful gardens in the Montfort valley. We walk until we reach the daisies.
"Ready to see the walking matchstick again" says Evangeline, breaking the silence.
"I still can't believe you said 'you don't need to wait', I mean just after I got you two back together." She continues to ramble.
I just stare at the seemingly endless flowers. In all truth, I can't wait to see Cal, after all I'm not going back to Norta to visit Evangeline's brother. She takes my silence in stride.
"Well now I guess I'll have to do it all over again."

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