Chapter 1

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Writers POV

(Y/n) sighed, slightly exasperated from her morning run to her new job at a local cafe. The power had gone out during the wind storm that occurred throughout the night forcing her phone to die and leave the poor young woman without an alarm.

She straightened out her uniform before walking into the small cafe, the smell of fresh brewed coffee and baked goods made her mouth water as she walked in. She looked around the small area noticing a couple people where already seated and reading in the early hours of the morning.

"(L/n), you're late." The woman jumped and chuckled nervously hearing her managers harsh words. She rubbed the back of her neck with a small blush as she walked behind the counter and into the small locker room to put her things away.

"I'm sorry Mr. Fields, my phone died and I didn't have a back up alarm." She smiled sheepishly and walked back out after putting on her name tag. The tall black haired male scoffed lightly and crossed his arms.

"Whatever, don't let it happen again." Fields sighed and began to show (Y/n) everything she needed to know about running the shop, espically if for some reason she was left alone and forced to close.

Your POV

After an hour of Mr. Fields showing me around the shop I had to put my (H/l) (H/c) hair into a bun. Apparently the shops A/C had broke the week prior and no one was available to fix it until later in the week.

The cafe was slowly getting busier as the day went on and I had met one of my coworkers Mina Ashido, she only worked part time since she was so busy with her hero work. She was a great pastry chef but when it came to customers she was a bit more on the ditsy and flirty side, which is why Mr. Fields forced you to work the register.

I honestly envied Mina for not only having a quirk but because she was so confident in what she did. She never questioned herself or her actions and I sort of looked up to her that.

The sound of the bell ringing drew my attention from my thoughts and I looked up to see a group of three men dressed in rather casual clothing, but they where tall and seemed to have a large muscle build.

"Bakugo, dude I'm telling you. That chick was so into you!" The blond with the black lightning bolt exclaimed as they made their way up to the counter.

"And I told you, I'm not wanting a fucking relationship. A one night stand at best." The ash blond replied with a gruff voice.

"Keep your voices down, this stuff shouldn't be talked about in public." I look over to the red head and smiled sheepishly, it was obvious he picked up on your embarassement and was trying to get his friends to talk about something else.

"E-excuse me." I finally speak up, my voice barely above a whisper as I look between the three men, they where all equally attractive in their own unique sort of way. The two who had been talking turned and looked down to me, my heart thundering against my chest as the called Bakugo looked directly into my eyes.

"You're new here." I nodded my head never breaking eye contact as the man spoke, he moved forward and leaned on the counter as his eyes flicked down to my name tag.

"What can I get started for you gentlemen?" I ask softly, I could feel my knees clacking together from nervousness.

"I'll have your number." Bakugo chuckled as he looked to me, I clear my throat feeling my blush deepening. A hand was placed firmly on the ash blond's shoulder and he flinched in surprise. We both looked over to see the red head glarring down to his friend.

"Enough Bakugo, she's already nervous enough as it is." His deep menacing voice sent chills down my spine but his friends didn't seem to notice. Bakugo hissed at his friend and swatted his hand away before standing up.

"Fine, I'll take a black coffee." I pull out a note pad and write down his order before looking to the others. The one with the lighting bolt was next to speak.

"I'll take chai tea, with a blueberry scone please." I nodded and scribbled it down as the two walked off to a table leaving the red head. I slowly looked up feeling his intense gaze, a small smirk playing on his lips as he stared.

"What can I get for you?" I felt a little more confident around this red headed stranger, after all... He did help me with that other guy.

"I'll have a hot chocolate and red velvet cupcake... And a date?" I looked up with slightly wide eyes after finishing his order.

"I... I'm not really wanting to date right now." I admit half heartedly as I move to the side to start brewing the group's drinks. He smiled more and followed me, amusement playing in his eyes as he looked over my features.

"Hm... To bad, I was wanting to get to know you more." I laugh softly and look up to him, the tea and the coffee where finished and the scone and cupcake had been fished out of the glass display case, I was just waiting for his hot chocolate.

"Maybe once I get settled in more, I just moved to the town." I see happiness flash in his eyes as he reached over the counter and grabbed my arm while pulling the pen from my bun. I was shocked to say the least, I looked down and watched him curiously as he wrote his number and name on the underside of my arm.

"Call me, I would happily show you around sometime." He put the pen back into it's original place and I blushed darkly and pulled away with a small nod. I finished his order and helped him to carry everything to his friends.

"Yo Kirishima, it's fucked up to deny a guy a girl and then steal her." The one with the lightning bolt spoke as he noticed the number on my arm.

"Quiet Kaminari, I'm simply offering to show her around town. That's all." The other two huffed in annoyance earning a chuckle from the man I have come to know as Kirishima. I turn hearing the bell and I bow politely having to go back to work.

Kirishima's POV

I watched (Y/n) closely as we sat down and enjoyed our refreshments. A smile never leaving my lips, and when she smiled... Whenever she smiled I could feel my chest tighten. She was the most beautiful thing in the entire world, and I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

"Dude, you're creepy." I turned to Kaminari as he spoke, I blushed slightly not realising the others watched me starring at her. I would have to come alone next time and just admire her from afar.

"Sorry, we should be going." I smile and stand up throwing away anything that was disposable. I sighed as we walked from the cafe, something itched inside of me. I didn't want to leave, I liked it there, I liked her...

Writers POV

That night (Y/n) had logged Kirishima's number into her phone, a small smile etched on her face as she remebered the small scar above one of his eyes. She thought about texting him that night, but decided she could do that when she was actually ready to go and explore the town.

Kirishima on the hand was starring at his phone intently waiting for a notification, he wanted to see her text. Maybe even call? He just wanted to hear her silky voice whisper into his ear.

He groaned loudly as his mind ran rampant, something was happening to him. He could feel himself cracking... Revealing something deep within him, something he was wanting to keep hidden. But something about that woman, he just wanted to devour her entire being and claim her as his no matter the cost.

Hidden Demon (Yandere Kirishima x Quirkless Reader) Where stories live. Discover now