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" Hey, Elphaba, stay behind, please?" Dr.Dillamond asks, stacking some papers up into a small neat pile beside him.

Elphaba nods, swinging her backpack over her shoulder, and walking over to Dr.Dillamond's desk as her classmates left the science lab. " Yes, Dr.Dillamond?"

" I was wondering if you could do me a favor and tutor a failing student since there's no more space at Saturday Academy." Dr. Dillamond states.

" Sure, who's the student?" Elphaba inquires.

" Galinda Upperland." Dr.Dillamond replies.

Elphaba raises her eyebrows." I'm sorry Dr.Dillamond, you know very well that I would do anything to help you, but I won't tutor Galinda. She is the real witch."

" I know her attitude towards you is quite unpleasant, but I've spoken to her about the way she treats you, and she seems to leave you alone now."

" I wish that were the case, but your words mean nothing to her. In fact, nobody but her's and Fiyero's words mean anything to her. She is a self-absorbed, cruel, bully, that I cannot stand being around."

" I'm sure she isn't that bad."

" Isn't that bad! She's the one who wrote that ignorant, disgusting comment on your board a month ago!"

Dr.Dillamond gasps. " You must be lying!"

" I am not!"

Dr.Dillamond looks down for a second.
" Leave, please. Just go."

Elphaba nods and leaves the classroom, heading off to lunch, where she sat by herself just like every other day at Shiz High school.


" Where's Galinda?!" Fiyero frantically asks everyone in the school. When he got to Elphaba who was talking to Nessarose by her locker, he nearly slammed her into the locker.
" Did you cast some type of spell on Galinda, witch?!"

" Elphaba did no such thing! Now back away!" Nessa says, rolling her wheelchair on Fiyero's toes.

" Argh! You foolish girl!" Fiyero yells, grabbing his foot and jumping around on one leg, causing everyone to laugh at him.

" What is the ruckus here, idiots?!" Madame Morrible yells as soon as she turns the corner to be in the hallway where Fiyero was still jumping around and everyone was laughing.

" I was looking for Galinda! Do you know where she is, Madame Morrible?" Fiyero asks desperately.

" Yes, I'm pretty sure Ms.Galinda is at home, looking for a new school to enroll into." Madame Morrible replies.

" What?" Fiyero and Elphaba ask at the same time. Elphaba shuts her locker and leans on it, sharing a suspicious glance with Nessa.

" Well, Ms.Elphaba, did you think that Galinda would stay here after what Dr.Dillamond informed me of what she did? Why would she stay, so she could write more disgusting comments on the boards of my staff? No, that is intolerable!" Madame Morrible finishes.

" What are you talking about? Galinda didn't write that thing to Dr.Dillamond that day!" Fiyero defends his girlfriend.

" You weren't even here, moron." Elphaba says.

" Yes, but Galinda told me of the event. And she didn't do it. In fact, she felt horrible about it, and baked him cookies the next day." Fiyero says.

" Yes, well, why didn't I see that?"

" Well, unless you were following Galinda to all her classes, I don't understand how you would see that!"

" Then who did it?"

" I don't know. Maybe it was you!"

" Me?! Dr.Dillamond is my favorite teacher!"

" Maybe your just trying to get him to like you so he'd never suspect if you did something like that!"

" Maybe my wheels have to break your toes for you to stop accusing my sister of the type of nonsense you and your imbeciles of friends would do!" Nessarose interjects.

" Shut up, crip."

" At least I'm not a dufus!" Nessa shoots back, earning a hard glare from Fiyero." You don't intimidate me, bitch."

Elphaba stifles a laugh at her sister's comment, earning another glare from Fiyero. She smiles back sarcastically.

" Wait, so you're saying that Miss Glinda was wrongfully accused of writing that message on the board?" Madame Morrible says in disbelief.

" Yes! And I wonder who wrongfully accused her?" Fiyero says, looking at Elphaba.

" How can I believe you, Mr.Tigelaar?" Madame Morrible says. " Elphaba is our top student, who is trusted by every teacher in this facility, while you are just a below average teenager with the behavior of a five-year-old."

" Yes, but I would never lie about Glinda, she is my girlfriend!" Fiyero exclaims.

" All the more reason why you would lie just to get her out of this!" Madame Morrible exclaims.

Fiyero sighs. " Look, I-I know that sometimes, Galinda and I can be mean to others, but she does have a heart. She's a good person, and she wouldn't write such a thing to Dr.Dillamond for no actual reason."

Madame Morrible rolled her eyes. " I'm gonna try to find the footage from the security cameras of that day, and if you are correct and Ms.Galinda had in fact not written the message, we will ask for her forgiveness, and for her to return to this school if she would like."

With that, Madame Morrible walks away towards her office again, and Fiyero turns back to Elphaba, his index finger near her face.
" You know, perhaps if you weren't such a bitch, people would choose to ignore your disgusting skin and actually be your friend."

Fiyero storms off, leaving a stunned Elphaba beside her sister, and shocked Shiz students to gossip.

Elphaba clenches her jaw, and turns around, trying her best to keep her tears from coming out, barely succeeding.

" Elphaba, don't listen to him. You aren't a bitch." Nessa says, grabbing Elphaba's hand.

" No, no," Elphaba began, sniffling. " Fiyero is right. I just said that the school's most popular girl wrote a cruel message on Dr.Dillamond's board with no proof. If that doesn't make me a bitch, I don't know what does."

" Hey, stop!" Nessa says. " You have all the reason to believe that that whore Galinda could do something so awful, I mean, just look how she treats you."

Elphaba shakes her head, denying what Nessa said. " Thank you, Nessa, but you don't have to lie. I am a bitch, and I just realized it."

" No, you're not. And it's not lying. It's looking at things a different way." Nessa says.

Elphaba chuckles, and wipes away any brimming tears, bending down and kissing Nessa's cheek. " Let's get you to class."

Nessa nods with a smile as Elphaba pushed her wheelchair towards Nessa's class.


Hey guys, sorry if the characters seem a little OOC ( out of character), but I wanted Nessa and Elphaba to have a better relationship, since they are just in high school, and I kind of needed Fiyero to be a jerk for the plot of this story.

Oh, and the Gelphie-ness hasn't started just yet, it might begin a little more in chapter three or so, because Galinda has to come back from being expelled and crap, and then some drama has to happen with her and Elphie, so yeah.

I hope you guys enjoyed, next chapter will be posted in a little while.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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