Chapter 2

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They made their way out of the airport and attempted to find a cab. 'Oh my God, why is it so cold?' Lauren said, pulling her jacket around her tight.

'Because it's England, and it's November.' Katherine told them. 'I said you'd need more than just that jacket.'

'I know.' Lauren conceded.

'How far are we from London Kath?' Dani asked.

'Technically we're already in London, but the centre is about forty-five minutes away.' Katherine told them, as Christina managed to track down a cab.

'Come on guys.' She said, motioning them over. She was rubbing her hands together to try and keep them warm. They all filed into the cab and gave the driver the name of their hotel. He made polite small talk on the way which they happily responded to, and told them about the best places to visit during their trip. Dani was very excited when he mentioned the London Dungeons.

'And if you're feeling particularly brave, you can do a ghost tour of the tombs underneath London Bridge train station.' He said. 'I've done it with my kids and they loved it.'

'No thanks.' Lisa said immediately.

'I think we'll start with the dungeon and see how that goes first.' Lauren said.

'You're no fun.' Dani said quietly as they pulled up to a tall building. They had been stuck in lots of traffic so the drive actually took them double the length of time it was supposed to. It was almost five in the afternoon. Lisa had passed out in the taxi from jet lag as they were driving, so Katherine gently nudged her awake whilst Amy paid the driver.

'Have a nice stay ladies.' He said, waving them off as he drove away. Christina looked at Lisa who was still half asleep, leaning on Katherine's shoulder.

'I take it you want a nap?' Christina asked Lisa who nodded. Lauren had her hand raised.

'Me too.' She confirmed.

'Okay, why don't we take a few hours to recover and meet in the lobby at eight for some food?' Amy suggested.

'Good plan Aimes.' Dani agreed. They checked in and got their room keys. There were three rooms, all on different floors. Dani and Lisa took room ninety-nine on the second floor, Amy and Katherine took room three-hundred-and-forty-five on the fourth floor, and Lauren and Christina had room seven-hundred on floor seven. Lisa and Lauren went to sleep immediately, not even unpacking their bags, and were relying on their room mates to wake them up at eight. Amy and Katherine were happy to wander the hotel and made it to the roof terrace where they got a good look out over the city.

'It's very grey.' Amy noticed. 'There aren't many parks, or open spaces.'

'England is a lot smaller than America so they've had to cram it all in.' Katherine said, looking out through tall buildings made of concrete. 'And we're kind of in the business district of London. I know there's Hyde Park which is pretty green but that's way over there.' She pointed in the general direction of where she thought Hyde Park was. 'I think.'

'I'm sure it'll be great once we get out there.' Amy smiled. 'I'm so glad we're finally taking a holiday.'

'Me too.' Katherine agreed. 'We needed to do something like this, get away for a while.'


At eight they were all down in the lobby. Lisa still looked half asleep but Lauren was more awake than before, her jet lag subsiding easier than her sisters. 'Where shall we eat?' Dani asked. 'I'm starving.'

'We could eat in the hotel, or wander around and see what there is?' Christina suggested.

'Why don't we eat here tonight, then in the morning we can go for a walk and get the lay of the land?' Amy suggested. 'I'd rather wander around a new country for the first time in the daylight.' She admitted.

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