shredders lair

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So bebop and rocksteady ,got to shredders lair and raphael finally wakes up "uuuuuhhhhhh,  what happened "he said. And soon realizes he is strapped tight and can't get out, "let me go!" He shouted stockmen fly comes with the new brainworm." Another brainworm?"Raph said questionable, "no, thiz new brainworm iz stronger than the other "stockmen said ,so he put it on raphs face and raph was struggling to get out and rocksteady held raphs head to keep it still and this happened.

" Another brainworm?"Raph said questionable, "no, thiz new brainworm iz stronger than the other "stockmen said ,so he put it on raphs face and raph was struggling to get out and rocksteady held raphs head to keep it still and this happened

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Back with the rest of the turtles, So they sneek into shredders lair and they find bebop and rocksteady  " he he " bebop said. "Three turtles vs  two complete morones"leo said ,then tiger claw shows up "greetings little ones " tiger claw said. So the turtles, bebop,rocksteady and Tiger claw start to fight, as the fight continues a few foot bots start to come and fight.
Back with raph he was thrown in a room and shredder was in the same room, "shredder,  finally I've been waiting to do this "raph said. As raph was about to hit him with his sais "stop "shredder commanded, raph stopped and was struggling, cause he wanted to fight shredder but the brainworm stopped him." Now bow to me "shredder commanded raph still struggled but after a few seconds he bows to him.

Ok I'm gonna end it there sorry it's short

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