I also saw Tsu'tey. While young, he was quite fresh. His hair was long. His face stern. But, unlike now, he looked terrified. I kept watching him especially.

I saw the Sylwanin get killed. Tsu'tey's face was stricken with grief. I saw so much pass through them all. Grace went hay wire and began shooting at the humans.

"Stupid, scoun, twatute skxwangs! What idiot humans! Attacking the Na'vi!"

I didn't think anyone was around. I didn't care. How could they do this? To my people? My insides hurt at the thought that I was one of them. They were my flesh and blood. I continued to watch.

I dropped the camera and the tablet went too, both smashing against the ground. I saw so much death in a thirty minute video. I turned and leaned over a garbage can, and barfed. I continued to cry. I hated them.

"Damn them! Damn those skxwangs to Hell! Ma Semput did not perish for this!"

Bringing up my fathers death for my money didn't make me happy, but it happened. It happened and now I hate the outcome. College money he protected got him killed, only for me to come to this hellscape and see things like that.

I crawled to the broken screen of the tablet. I clicked the half that was still connected. It came up. I clicked a log from Grace. I felt my heart begin beating harder, and it became hard to breath. Asthma. I can't- Why- You know what, screw my DNA. I coughed and continued.

"I've been watching Sylwanin, she's *static... * Never seen a Palulukan! Can you believe this marine? And then he has the audacity to *static..* I honestly love him though. Glad Tom can still keep in touch with me and Max *static* he's gonna come soon. I can't wait to see my adopted son. Just wish I could've met his hothead brother. He speaks so well of him."

I tapped at the screen as it cut out then. It was only about halfway through the video. I noticed two forms standing not far away. I stared up, not at them, but past them. One got closer, and I felt Jake's hand caress my cheek. I just knew it was him.

Another male, Tsu'tey I'm guessing, came closer. He picked me up and carried me out. Jake followed like a mother hen, squawking over her hurt baby. I was just zoned out. I began breathing slower until I passed out. I could feel myself coughing. Breathing became harder. I felt them rush, but I was too busy choking on my lungs to open my eyes.

I felt faint bumping, like someone was running and carrying me. Upon finally opening my eyes, I saw exactly that. Tsu'tey was holding me tightly, Jake speeding not far ahead to find someone. I couldn't exactly hear them. My arms and legs felt weak. Tsu'tey looked down and reassured me I'd be okay. I just curled up against him.

I felt so helpless. I knew I was too human, right then, to last here. All that I'd seen. The hatred Grace showed towards Quaritch and Selfridge made sense now. The Na'vi were like her children. And they'd ruined her perfect wish then. I understood. I just haaad to go walking off. I began coughing again. I became so lightheaded that I passed out.

I was out for a long time. I just remember waking up at the shack and sitting in my link, too scared to get up. I knew it was night time and Jake wasn't there to help me yet. So, once I was chill and calmed down, I linked back up. The first thing I felt were two small arms, wrapped tightly around me. I looked down and saw a young girl. She was beautiful, with white hair. That, I could tell, was not normal.

When she saw me looking at her, she stood and smiled. Looked sort of like a young Neytiri. No. That face... Sylwanin. She held out a hand and I took it. She was surprisingly strong. Being the young Na'vi she was, she took off on me. I grumbled and ran after her. We ran and ran through the forest. It was sad-looking. I saw ashes blow past us. I began to try and ask her a question, but she stopped me abruptly. I looked down at her in disbelief, it hurt my stomach the way she threw her arm back. She just pointed, so I looked up.

Boy was I taken aback.

Hometree. It just began falling. The Na'vi were fleeing. I watched children and elders, too slow to run, get crushed. My heart broke. I looked up, and for once, I hated humanity completely, with all my being. I wanted to run poles through Quaritch's head, shove a golf club up Sefridge's backside, and rip Trudy's heart out. After all she said about the natives, about caring, and helping us....

Then, I saw Trudy way far away, the helicarrier I'd memorized flying far far away from the damage. I was glad. Maybe she'd keep her heart. Maybe.

Sylwanin tugged me farther and farther away. We ran and ran, passing natives who couldn't see me. We just kept on going and going and going. Then, we finally reached the place; Vitraya Ramunong, the Tree of Souls.

It was amazing. Then, I saw this great Ikranay, a forest banshee, come down. A woman, probably a woman from the nearby Tipani Clan, came to assist Mo'at. More people on Ikranay came. Ikran and Ikranay lined the rock walls separating the low valley where the tree sat.

Then, I was jerked back into reality. Mo'at stared at me wide-eyed.

"You were talking in your sleep, Hometree falling, ashes, Ikranay, and the Tipani Clan, do you know what it all means," she asked quickly.

"Sylwanin told me," I said, not thinking. "There is a great danger. But we will survive. Omaticaya will last, standing strong against whatever enemies we will face. But there's a good chance it was a nightmare. I don't feel too good."

"You saw my sister," Neytiri asked sadly, but a hint of happiness in her eyes. "How did she look, what was she like, was she in one piece, was she old. Was she young? Oooh- Did she still look like me? Or do I look like her?!"

"Alright, I think we need to back up," Jake cut in, but I waved him off.

"I would like to speak to Neytiri and answer her questions, but alone," I said. Jake gruffly nodded and went away. Then Mo'at. Then, finally, a cold-faced Tsu'tey.

"I did see her," I said, as soon as his gentle footsteps were gone. "She looked just like you. But, she has white hair. She was still so young, such a little girl. It was amazing. But, I also saw sadness I can't quite explain. And I don't exactly know if I should tell you about it yet. Actually, I won't. Sylwanin told me instead of Tsahik for a reason, I will not break that."

Once I was done, I gasped for breath. Neytiri laughed. I chuckled a bit.

"I am glad. Come, last meal is beginning soon, and your clothes need a change," Neytiri said.

I looked down, and my clothes were jacked. My shirt was ripped almost all the way off, my shorts were the same, and i had one boot. It wasn't even on, it was sitting not far away. My expensive boots, Norm gave me those! I grumbled and stood, snatching my one good boot up. Neytiri smiled and led me away.

I had a thought, an evil one, and it brewed in the back of my mind. Oh, the evil I would unleash on Hell's Gate. You just wait you big, brute, Sasquatches. I'll show you...


Bye my sweets~

--SSA out--

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