Chapter 2

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2 days later

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm at 5am. Gosh! Isn't there a less annoying sound I can use to set my alarm.
I stand up from my bed to get ready for school still feeling a bit groggy from waking up so early. I wouldn't have been so affected if I wasn't busy chatting with my "newest guy"  till 3 in the morning, meaning I only got 2 hours of sleep.

I get the broom and start to sweep the living room and also thinking about the "newest guy" I just said yes to. His pictures looked OK but he was a bit boring.
You must wonder what I get from all this. Its not the money, infact I totally despise girls who use guys for money, that's just plain prostitution, it is pathetic.
I do all these because it makes me feel powerful.
My childhood made me that way. I was born out of wedlock and after four years of my birth my parents got married for my sake in hopes of giving me a normal family but they only scarred me instead. As a child I had to watch my dad beat up my mum almost every day even though he was the one at fault. He'd cheat on her and didn't even try to hide it and when she'd try to confront him, he'd just beat her up again. You would think my mother would leave but no she was just too lovestruck to leave and would later go to beg him for his mistake. My father never cared if I saw all of what he did or not he just did it.
Seeing all this made me vow to never let any man have such a hold on me, I made my heart as a strong as titanium. I still call it a heart because I still feel love with it for my family. I cherish them.

Toying with the emotions of men, made me feel superior and I never got attached. The icing on the cake was I never slept with any of them. My innocence was still intact but I had them on a strong hold,they were wrapped around my fingers I was that good.

I finished sweeping and moved on to wash the dishes.
I finish my chores by 6 and then wake everyone else, my mum and my 3 siblings ( a boy and 2 girls).
"Good mornings" are exchanged as I wake em up.

An hour later, I'm dressed and ready for school. I leave home by 7:15, I still got lotta time since I like to get to school late cause I don't wanna meet up the assembly.
I head to my besties house which is a day ritual since we go to school together knowing fully well she wouldn't be ready.

I get there and knock on her door. She opens the door with a toothbrush in her mouth.
"You haven't had your bath, why am I not surprised?" I say with fake seriousness while I enter her house. She rolls her eyes and enters the bathroom not replying me because of the toothbrush in her mouth.
I find her aunt in the kitchen and we exchange a friendly "good morning".

"Why do you allow this girl to get you late, every morning? Hasn't your teacher complained about you two getting late to school together?" Her aunt says .

"Its nothing we can't handle, we're prefects we know how to get our way out of troubles". I say nonchalantly

Joan finally comes out of the bathroom.
" you finally came out of there, for a second I thought you were giving birth or something" I say with a chuckle

"Asf you're any better, you spend way more time in the bathroom than I do" she says

"Whatever, just get ready already. We're going to that dump called a school not a beauty pageant"

" all of this takes time, you know. I don't just look so beautiful because I dress up the way you do, now shut up and let me get dressed" she says with a huff

" just be quick, I wanna be late to school not miss the whole of school "

Twenty minutes later, we're on our way to school and as always Joan looks as good ever. I look okay but Joan always looks amazing with her petite stature. I don't think she ever has a bad day.
Joan is about 5 ft 4 inches. With small boobs and medium sized ass. She has really cute plump lips, her skin a shade darker than mine and lashes I get jealous of every time.

I tell her about my newest catch on our way to school and she wasn't very happy.

" So you're telling me you now have 4 boyfriends " she asks


"And do you like him?"

"Nop, why would you ask that? You know ion roll that way" I say with a huff

" Oyin you can't keep doing this. Its not right, I would be a bad friend if I don't advice you about this. One day it'll all backfire. How would feel if a guy did the same to you?" She says concerned. Unlike me Joan is a one guy girl, she's not a goody two shoes but she believes in love.

"They wish! have you forgotten that I'm made of steel baby"
" no one can melt the ice around this bad boy" I say hands on my heart.

She sighs and shakes her head in defeat as we make our way to school.

Few hours later, the end of the school bell rings and we're out of the hell hole aka School.
Joan and I walk home together as usual and she gets to her house first since hers is closer to the school.

I get to my house to find it locked and empty, then I remembered my mum told me in the morning she was going out. She's probably not back yet and I guess my siblings went out to play since they get home way earlier before me. According to my school being in second senior year means you have to be in school till 5. I so much hate that school, thank goodness I have only a year left there.

I take the key from our secret spot and let myself in.
I freshen up and enjoy the solitude before my siblings aka the hurricane come back. I pick up my phone and logged in to Facebook to pass time, then I remembered i invited Timmy my newest catch over by 5:30.  Why am I cursed to never have some alone time, I grunt in annoyance  and get ready to see him since its already 5:20.
By 5:30 I'm ready and immediately get a call from him telling me he was outside my gate. I get up still a bit annoyed, I should be excited, I've never seen the guy but I'm just not at all.
"Let's get this over with" I say to myself plastering a fake smile on my face as I walk out to the gate.
I open the gate and my eyes almost fall out of their sockets. OMG!

Please forgive me my lovelies. I know I took too long update but I just wanted to have enough readers to continue.
Please hit that little star below and check out my new story "ACROSS THE CONTINENT"
You can leave comment on the things you like and dislike, I promise to make amends.

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