Chapter 4: Baldi Man

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I really ain't excited for this bald man... Well this is gonna make a big fat mark...


Scarla said, " It has been five hours! How come he is not here yet!" Then we heard a door opening. Scarla and I started to get our powers ready for a killer of some sort... But when the door opened, it was Mr. Baldi himself. Tea whispered to my ear, " The rumors are true..." I whispered back, " I'm going to die if he kills me."

Then Mr. Baldi spoke, " All right, you kidos!!!" I said " Oh... Boy...." Then Mr. Baldi gave us a question. Baldi said " 2+2=?" Then a kid from the good side said, "Oh that's easy! It's 4!" Mr. Baldi replied, " Great Job that's right!" " 5-7=?" Then a kid from the evil side said, " Its –2, Dummy!" Mr. Baldi said, " Fantastic job, Dumb Kid!" Then Everyone was like "OHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then, Mr. Baldi said "$(#$(^&*(_**^&$%*O*()%^!@#$%^&*()_!@#$%^&*?" Then Tea said "Uhhhhhhhhhh" Then Nicole said "Is... it.... u-um... 26?" Then Baldi stopped and froze for a sec. Then Mr. Baldi blurted out "You know that if you get an answer wrong you'll get a slappy slap-slap... THE RULER IS GONNA GET YOU!" Then he took his ruler and started to hit a random evil student in the face. 

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