Unknown Lands

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Another month later Bucky was sat in his barracks writing to Cora, but he was unaware that she would not receive the letter at her apartment.

The day after Bucky left for Italy and Steve left for training, Cora began her own training, as an Army Nurse.

Bucky, however, was not expecting to see the love of his life in the medic tent when he brought in one of his fellow soldiers for a sprained ankle.

"What seems to be the issue here?" He heard the familiar voice ask another soldier on a different cot. Bucky's eyes wandered to the woman at the other end of the tent, her blonde hair in a braid and her unmistakable eyes glanced up at him with a knowing smile.

"Ugh, I have a headache?" The young soldier said more as a question than a statement.

"Did you hit your head?" She asked still making eye contact with Bucky.


"Have you eaten anything recently?" She asked him, this time looking at the supposedly injured soldier. The young man, however was just staring at Cora's breasts. She noticed. "Go get some food and if it continues I'll have you talk to Nurse Hanneman." She spoke of the meanest nurse this military division has ever seen.

"Okay, thank you ma'am." The young man stood up and walked out hurriedly.

Bucky approached the woman. She smiled at him.

"James Buchanan Barnes, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He looked at her shocked before asking,

"What are you doing here Cora?"

"I'm a nurse now." She smiled at him. "I joined the day after you left." She spoke proudly.

"I've missed you." He smiled at her.

"I missed you too Bucky." She said quickly hugging him. "Your mother sent me with this." She pulled out a small box, the contents of which Bucky knew, but Cora did not.

"Ah of course she did." He laughed lightly.

The two caught up over lunch and Bucky introduced her to all of his friends in the 107th infantry. first reintroducing Dugan, then Mortia, Dernier, Jones, Juniper, and the new addition of James Montgomery Falsworth. The group of men were happy to have the woman they had heard countless stories of in their presence.

For the next few weeks not much happened, the 107th higher-ups were investigating a nearby HYDRA base. They planned to send the infantry out to destroy the base.

And so they did. It was a Thursday when the infantry headed out into the unknown, Bucky and all his friends included. A few days passed by and a hundred and fifty of the two hundred men returned. Bucky and his group were not apart of that group.

The day after the majority of the infantry returned, Captain America, some civilian pandering piece of propaganda arrived, attempting to encourage the soldiers and lift spirits.

Cora stood behind the stage, Incase one of the dancers hurt themselves.

There was some commotion onstage and suddenly captain America stormed off and almost hit the woman in front of him.

"Cora?" He asked.

"Do I know you?" She asked suspiciously, causing the man to remove his mask and she still didn't recognize him.

"Cora, it's me, Steve!" He explained frustrated.

"Wow! What have they been feeding you?" She felt his arm which she would have been able to snap before.

He explained the super soldier project and why he is where he is now, selling bonds. She felt sorry for him, especially when a brown haired woman walked towards them and explained to Steve that members of the 107 were still MIA.

Steve stormed into the general's tent demanding to know if Bucky had returned or not, which Cora could have told him.

Steve decided to go in and save Bucky, along with the rest of the 107th infantry.

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