Flash Fiction 1, Enviromentalist

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This was the first assignment given to us. We were allowed to write as much as we wanted to as long as it would fit on one page. There were also some limitations as we were given a character, place, event, and situation. Mine were Environmentalist, shopping mall, high school graduation, and something was stolen.

I tried to stabilize myself as the van drove over the rugged road, justling me every which way. It was hard to see through the costume but I refused to take the mask off. I believe three others sat back here with me, joking around about their 'catch'. Of course with my luck I'd be in this situation...
"What do you mean the costume has been stolen!" I gasped, the coach looking down at the ground, biting his lip.
"They didn't take the head but the rest has seemed to vanish out of thin air." He explained, handing me the head.
I sighed, the drowsy look of the mole head looked sadder than I did. Mr. Moles always cheered on every game and attended every school event, he couldn't miss graduation."What will we do about graduation? It's only a few days away." I asked, tucking the mole head under my arm.
He gave a doubtful look, huffing. I knew it wouldn't be good."Well we've already called in an order for the parts that went missing but they won't be ready for another week. I mean, we do have an extra gym uniform for you to use. It won't say Mr. Moles on the back but it's the closest we got." He said, grabbing one of the grimy gym uniforms from a cubby on the shelf. I look scornfully at the ground.
"It had to have been Gladstone." I scowled, crossing my arms. We just had a game against them last light and they were our rival team, how could it not be them?
"Without any evidence there isn't much we can do about it." He said, holding the uniform out to me.
"How could it not be them! Don't we have cameras? Weren't the doors supposed to be locked last night after the game?" I yelled.
"I don't appreciate that tone Miss. Clarke, protocols weren't meet last night and this is the consequence. I don't want to hear anymore about who did it, we just have to adjust and improvise until we can get it back." He said, shoving the uniform into my hands.
"You can go back to class now."...I angrily packed the head of Mr. Moles into my backpack alongside the gym uniform I was given.
There's no way I'd put the school mascot to shame by wearing a gym uniform with the head. Gladstone aimed to ruin our spirit in graduation for the seniors to throw them off for the last game of the year and I wasn't about to let that happen.
I slung the bag over my shoulder before heading out to my bike.
"Oliver, where are you going? I thought we were going to hang out today." Jasmine, a friend of mine yelled out, running up to my as I was unlocking my bike lock.
"Sorry Jaz, Coach is having me run some errands before graduation, its of dire importance." I tried to explain.
I've never told anyone that I was the mascot, it would ruin the illusion. Plus I wanted to be involved with school spirit without anyone knowing. Especially with all the drama I'd get involved with if Gladstone ever figured out who was the mascot, I couldn't risk revealing my identity like that.
"But my sleepover is of dire importance!" she said, causing me to laugh.
"I promise I'll make it up to you" i told, her, latching my helmet on, hopping on before making my way to the mall.
It was only a 20 minute ride from the school, then I could pick up some fabric and recreate the costume during the weekend. If all goes to plan, I can get the outfit done by Monday, just in time for senior graduation...
"What do you mean you don't have any environmental friendly fabrics?" I groaned, the store clerk just rolled her eyes.
"We just don't carry anything of the sorts. I would suggest heading over to Mrs. Fabrics if you're looking for something of the sorts." She droned. I had found the perfect fabric, it matched the color to the tee but it was 80% polyester.
I begrudgingly walked over to Mrs. Fabrics, hoping they had 100% cotton or tencel. Luckily after an hour of searching it found 70% cotton and 30% tencel, creating the perfect texture for the suit but it was just a color off, hopefully it wouldn't be too noticeable. I bought the fabric and made my way home.
While the price wasn't favorable, the end result would be perfect. Now for the long sewing progress. I don't have an electric sewing machine and I could already tell my hands weren't going to feel too great after this ordeal.
Monday night 5pm.
I tried to rearrange the costume and head into my bag where they would both fit but it seemed impossible. I groaned in frustration, trying to zip the bag over the crown but it wouldn't budge.
"Screw it!" I yelled, throwing my hands up.
"What's wrong honey?" My mom called out from downstairs.
"I can't get the costume into the bag!" I snapped.
"Why don't you just wear it!" She suggested.
I huffed, I guess I could...
Let me just say it's not easy to bike in a bulky costume. It was hot and sweaty but I had no other choice. Mr. Moles' head sat in the front basket of my bike as I wasn't about to ride almost blind.
I hope they put bigger eye socket in the new mascot outfit once it comes in. I shook my head, bike faster. Rehearsals started in 20 and graduation was in an hour. Luckily I was only 10 minutes away. I jumped as a car honked right beside me. I glared at the van only to feel my heart stop. The jeering boys wore gladstone jackets.
I tried to bike faster but due to my luck the fabric of the leg got caught in the chain, causing the bike to tip. I tried to get the fabric untangled from the chain without ripping it in a fast manner but that obviously wasn't going to happen as the the van stopped, the gladstone jocks hopping out.
"Well well well, who would've just Oliver Clarke was the famed Arcadia Oaks Mascot" He taunted. I grabbed the mask as the two others ripped me up from the ground, tearing the fabric on the leg. This isn't good...

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