Ryan's Birthday - Part 2

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Me: Jon, Now.

I texted Jon to power off the lights from the fuse box. I started smiling like an idiot thinking 'I finally get to surprise him!'. "Guys, where are you?" Ryan asked walking in the house. "BASEMENT!" I yelled back. I suppressed the urge to giggle. I heard him come downstairs to the basement. I lit the candles and said, "Wait! I'm coming with candles; we couldn't find torches," I said. I made a lighter noise with my mouth and that was the signal. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR RYAN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" we sang as we got closer. By the time we finished singing, only the cake was blocking the space between us. We all just stayed there until, "Well, are you gonna make a wish or let my house burn down?!" I asked happily but annoyed. He blew out the candles as everyone but me clapped cuz I was holding the cake. "Jon, could you go turn the power back on? This cake is heavy!" I asked. He turned it back on and Ryan got a good look at the cake. "Whoa! Where did you buy this cake?!" he asked in shock. "Um... Kate made it," Holly said. I smiled meekly. I put the cake on the table and grabbed a knife and handed it to Ryan. "Yay! You're officially 17!" I said as I hugged him. My head just felt right in his neck. "Presents!" Holly screamed. "Open mine first," Holly said. It was, of course, a bunch of eyeliners. The gifts went on, until it came to me. "Promise me you won't not accept your present and you won't say I spent too much money on you," I said. He nodded and I gave him my gift. "Whoa! You got me an XT9 guitar?!" he asked shocked. I nodded giddily. We hugged for longer than usual; my head just fit right in his neck. "Ahem!" Spencer fake cleared his throat. "Right! Um, Ryan I want you to meet someone," I confidently told him while smiling and intently staring into his eyes. I went and got bubble. "Ryan, this is Chloe." "Um... hi?" he said more like a question. Chloe then started looking back and forth between me and Ry. She finally made a decision. "BOYFWEIND!" She said really loudly. "Chloe! We're best friends, not boyfriend," I said to her. "Down," she asked. I put her down and she went upstairs. Holly and Brendon had gone up for god knows what. She was following after them and I'm sure Holly put her to sleep because when they came back, they shut the door real quiet.


"Kate; truth or dare?" Brendon asked. "Hit me baby one more time!" I said implying it was dare. "I dare you to... get Spencer a date for tomorrow night!" "Are you serious? That's the best you can come up with?" I retorted. I then got out my phone. "It's ringing. Do NOT mess this up for yourself." I stated blankly. "Speakerphone!" Brendon said. I put on speaker: "Hello?" Laura asked. "Hey Lorry Truck! So I have this friend, and he's lonely so I need you to go out with him. On a date." "Um... It depends. When?" "How bout tomorrow. At around 7?" "Yeah, sure. Wait, tell me he's different from him?" "Oh yeah! You'll see when he picks you up tomorrow. Oh, and wear something cool band-related." "Yeah. Okay, well tell your friend I'll see him tomorrow! Bye bye Katie-kat," she cut the line. "Katie-kat? Really?" Jon asked. "Oh shut up, Johnny Bravo!" I teased back. "Do you have nicknames for everyone?" Spencer asked. "Why of course, Big Bird!" I answered. "Why am I big bird?" he whined. "You're big and have blue eyes. And you can't dance." I told him. "So what's mine?" Holly asked. "Holliepop." I asked while getting more cake. "Mine?" Brendon asked curiously. "Elmo!" I replied clapping my hands. "What?! Why?" he asked annoyed. "You both are ADHD, you both love Red Bull, and you both have pushable noses." "Pushable noses?" "Like this," I got up and pushed his nose. "What's mine?" Ryan asked. "It-it's, um," I whispered it to Holly. "DUDE! Seriously?" "I mean look at him when he blushes!" I retorted. "Would someone please tell me what it is?!" Ryan asked exasperated. "She says it's 'The Grinch Who Stole Valentine's Day'," "Oh. I got why the blushing part makes sense." "Well it's not my fault you blush really red. Beetroot red to be precise. See! There it is!" I said a little too loud. "Okay. My turn. Spencer; Truth or Dare?" I asked. "I'll go with truth," Spencer replied. "Okay. So, who do you like and why?" I asked. I already knew it was Laura but I just wanted everyone to know. "It's, well, um, Laduier," he mumbled. "Spencer. Who is it?" "Laura. Because," "Oooooh!" We all ooed. "She's pretty, nice, smart and smells nice," he justified well. "Aww! You think she's pretty? And really, she's nice? This is why you can't take AP English!" I told him. "Oh my god. It's already 4:30," Brendon said. "SUNRISE!" Holly and I screamed. We ran upstairs and went outside to my backyard. "3,2,1 and Cue romantic sunrise," I said. "Wow." We all said.

We went back inside and fell asleep. When I woke up, I noticed Ry was tossing. Thump. He fell on the floor. I went to the kitchen and made some pancakes. Apparently, the smell was really strong it made Ry sleepwalk! He was cute when he didn't know what was going on. His nose crinkled and he looked like a baby. Just so adorably cute. I decided to push him down on the ground to wake him up. "Ow! Wait, where am I? Why am I in your kitchen? Ooh, pancakes!" Ryan babbled. "No." "Why not?" "Mine!" "So where's ours?" "Being made." "Cheeky!" I smiled like a 6 year old. I flipped a pancake while Ryan stood up. Apparently, I was a good cook, as everyone woke up and piled into the kitchen. "Mm... cinnamon!" Holly said coming in and crashing on Brendon's shoulder. "Hey. Oof," Brendon groaned. "Dude...You're heavy," he gasped. I smacked him upside his head. "What the hell is wrong with you? Never. Ask. About. A Woman's. Weight. Understand?" I said through gritted teeth. At this point, everyone was staring at me like I was crazy. Well, everyone except for Holly, because she was on the floor. "Holly!" I screamed. "I didn't do it!" She said sitting up. We were all laughing as she said, "What? What?"


After we finished our pancakes, Spencer suggested we go outside and play some basketball. "But I don't have a hoop!" I protested. "There's a park not far from here. We could just go there," Ryan added. "Right. Thanks so much The Grinch Who Stole Valentine's Day," I said sarcasm and venom dripping from my voice. "Sorry," he said backing away. I gave him a 'You should be' look. We went outside. I put my trainers on and hobbled outside tieing my laces and hopping around like a mad person. When I was done, I ran to catch up with everyone.

We got to the park and the first thing me and Holly said was, "CAPTAINS!" "Why are you guys captains?" Spencer asked. "Because we're the only girls. And there are two of us." "Fine." He stated defeatedly. "I pick Spence and Brendon," I said quickly. "I guess I've got you guys," Holly said. We huddled and I spoke, "Okay guys. Spencer, you shoot since you're the tallest. Brendon, defend the hoop. I'll chase the ball since I'm the fastest. Break!" I said. "We pick right side," Ryan said, his eyes glinting with tints of green showing. I turned away, acting like it was the sun. "Alright. First to 20 points wins. Let's do this," I playfully glared at Holly. We spit-shook and stood in our positions. "GO!" Jon yelled. I ran for the ball and I grabbed it. I passed it to Spencer and he ran. He passed it back and I ran toward the hoop, and passing it to Spence from there. Unfortunately, Holly got it and ran toward the other end. I ran after her and she tried to score, but Brendon blocked her. He passed it to Spencer who passed it to me. I immediately ran and scored. "Woohoo!" I yelled. "That's two zero suckas!" I teased. "Oh yay! Just you wait... Just. You. Wait." Ryan said.

We ended up winning by 4 points; 20-16. "Nice job," I went to shake Holly's hand. "We'll beat you next time," she playfully glared. "So, you trying out for Volleyball?" She asked. "Meh. Depends if I feel like it," I replied, taking a swig of my water bottle. "Oh COME ON! You're amazing at Volleyball! You have to try out!" She ranted. "I can't because I'm trying out for Football." "There's no girls' football team." "I never said I was gonna try out for girls' football." "You're kidding." "Not a bit. Plus, I'm better than the old quarterback!" "Dude. You're gonna make history," Holly said, almost having a future-back. "You're an idiot," I said getting off the bench and heading out. I was walking out when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and was met with beautiful hazel eyes washed with uncertainty. "What's up birthday boy?" "Um, nothing. It was stupid." "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" "Okay. Well, there's a girl," "THERE'S A GIRL? Oh my gawd! Do I know her?" I may have been boiling inside, but I had to get over Ryan. "Not sure. But, I really like her and I don't know how to ask her to prom." "What does she like?" "Sports, music, food." "Ooh. I could get along with a girl like that." "So?" "Is she sappy for lovey-dovey stuff?" "Kinda. But not like typical stuff. More like Romantic Dramedies." "What's her favourite colour?" "I don't know. I don't think she has one." "Well, I suggest we have a Romantic Dramedie movie marathon ASAP cuz prom's right around the corner." "Cool. When?" "Next weekend." "Got it. Around 5 movies, right?" "Uh huh." I walked off and stole Brendon from Spencer. "Look, I know you were having a bromance with Spence, but when the HELL are you gonna ask Holly to prom?" "I'll do it tomorrow." "You better." I walked home and changed into some sweats and crashed on the couch.

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