2019, March 4th, 4:56 pm

395 16 0

everytime I think things are going back to normal

I just get hurt again after high hopes

maybe I should just give up.

theres only so much that I can do

because this is a 2 way thing

and it seems like I'm the only one contributing

and maybe I'm wrong,

but it sure as hell doesn't feel like you want to fix things

and I don't want to seem clingy or annoying

but it always comes off that way.

please, I love you so much

so so so much, but you hurt me so much.

you really hurt me bad

overreacting or me being sensitive,

you're still hurting me.

maybe this can't be fixed...

but I'll try really hard to fix it.

I promise.


Restless ThoughtsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora