"I know that he loves me... And I love him too, of course. But things still happen, you know..."

"Now you're starting to sound like me, love."

"Yeah, well I realize now that you're right. It's not like that with you and Freddie though. You are Freddie's entire world. He practically revolves around you."

"And you don't think you're that for Roger?"

"I do, but... Roger and Freddie are two very different people. I believe that Roger loves me, but you don't think that something could still happen? I mean, after all... As Brian loves to say, Roger has his record."

"Things are different now. Things are different with you, Amelia. you have to recognize that. I see it. Roger loves girls, yes. But he's not a total dick. He's loyal. When he cares about someone, he'd do anything for them and I know that's true of you. He would never turn his back on you."

"I guess..." I shrugged, pulling the striped trousers back out of the wardrobe and sliding them on.

"I think you just need to learn how to trust him, love."

"Yeah, I could work on it, I suppose."

We walked into the pub that night and it was immediately obvious that it was sold out. I'd never seen a Queen show quite like this before. I thought I had to push and shove the first time that I saw them. This was a whole new level. "Maybe we should have gotten here earlier." Emily said, excusing herself as she slid in between some people.

"The show doesn't start for another two hours." Mary replied, although she was exasperated as Emily was.

"So," I turned toward Emily when we were finally close enough to the stage to see. "You finally told Deaky that you love him then, hm? How did he respond to that?" We hadn't spoken about it since she announced her plan to me at the pub weeks ago. I figured that she was so drunk she hardly remembered telling me and that bit proved to be true because when I asked, she looked at me in shock.

"How did you know about that?" she asked.

"Maybe because you told me about it, you ninny. You were just so plastered at the time that you don't remember it. But don't worry, I do." i smiled, patting her shoulder. I was surprised when she actually turned red in the face. I swear, John Deacon took her superiority complex and crushed it in his hand. I had to make a mental note to thank him for that. It was nice to have more confidence than Emily did every now and then.

"Yeah, well I hardly remember telling him, myself. He had to remind me the next day."

"And? How did it go? To your knowledge. Or were you too drunk to remember any of it?"

"From what I remember, Deaky turned into a real sop and cried."

"You're joking." I acted like this surprised me, but when it's real, that's what happens.

"'M not. It was quite cute actually."

"Did you cry too?" I asked, figuring that I already knew the answer. And I did.

"Maybe a little. But not like he did, that's for sure."

"That's because John Deacon has more sensitivity in his right pinky than you have in your whole body. Awww. I'm so happy for you. My Emily who would never settle down for anyone. Settling down with Deaky."

"It was bound to happen eventually, darling. And I'll have you know that I'm a very sensitive soul. Sometimes you just need someone to bring it out of you. You would know. I didn't think you were capable of emotion until you met Roger."

Crazy Little Thing: BH! Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now