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AN: Wow more fluff (what a surprise) and ALMOST a little smut but noooooooooo


"Frankly, I don't see how you still haven't gotten together with Deaky." I leaned across Mary to talk to Emily. The boys were playing another gig tonight and although I had missed the last one, I was quite certain that this was the biggest crowd they'd ever played to. It probably had something to do with the fact that they were managed now.

"He's shy." Emily replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"You're not." I laughed, rolling my eyes at her.

"Maybe she usually isn't." Mary interrupted. "But you know around John she turns as red as a tomato the second he says a word to her."

"Oh sod off." Emily pretended like she was offended, but she found it as funny as we did. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Roger. He was wearing a white vest with nothing underneath. It was as though he took my advice about wearing a shirt less often. He seemed so at ease behind his drum kit with a cigarette hanging loosely between his lips. "So," she said, suddenly in my ear after trading spots with Mary. "Have you shagged yet?"

"What!?" I nearly spit out my drink at the surprise.

"C'mon now. You haven't said a single word to me about you and Roger. For all I knew, you were after Brian."

"Can you please stop bringing that up? I told you that I wasn't."

"Yeah, that's pretty clear to me now. At the last show, I heard Freddie mention Roger's 'darling' girlfriend and I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard that that darling girlfriend was you."

"Don't you mean you nearly fell out of John's lap." I smirked. Now it was her turn to blush furiously. "Roger told me that you two were getting quite cozy after the show?"

"What ever." Emily rolled her eyes. "We're best friends. I can't believe you didn't tell me about Roger."

"Well I didn't want to destroy your fantasy of Brian and I being together."

"Come off it."

"Listen, I just don't want to jinx it, ok? Every time I've ever started to get comfortable in a relationship, they're gone and out the door." I sighed.

"Maybe you push them away because you're so unwilling to get attached. Did you ever think of that?"

"Maybe we should talk about it later." I said as our conversation was drowned out by the applause of the crowd as the band was finishing their set. "Or preferably never again." I added even though she couldn't hear me anymore. We headed back stage and Emily immediately ran for John. She jumped into his arms and he spun her around like in the movies, making me want to gag. She was just trying to prove a point to me. I could tell.

"That was amazing!" she squealed and all of a sudden they were kissing. My jaw dropped slightly because I knew it would be the first time that that's happened. They weren't even officially together yet, to my knowledge. She kept telling me that she was nervous that things were moving so slowly between the two of them. I looked over at Freddie and Mary who were also embracing. I felt very alone when I couldn't find my drummer. My eyes caught hold of Brian who was in the same situation that I was, leaning against a couch and he raised his eyebrows at me, clearly unimpressed with the situation.

"There's my girl." suddenly Roger threw his arms around me from behind. Brian chuckled and rolled his eyes. For a second, I felt really bad for him. Before, at least he had John on his side but now he was the only one that was still alone.

"You were fantastic tonight." I said, turning around so I could hug him.

"Am I not every other night?" Roger scoffed.

Crazy Little Thing: BH! Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now