The Repeated Love 65 - What The Fish, Brain???

Start from the beginning

"A wish of meeting with them once again, to have a proper ending together, to confess what she had been keeping for so long within her heart for Giotto-sama." You chuckled. "Because.. a confession is not something that can be expressed easily-" You froze and immediately clasped your lips tightly. A guilt expression was on Tsuna's face now. You were preventing yourself from not pointing out those sensitive topic anymore but you don't know why your brain couldn't hold it back.

"J-Juudaime-sama! What I wanted to say was actually-"

"I'm sorry."


'No, please.. not that look.'

"I'm sorry.. for not.. considering your feelings."

'Not that.. painful look..'

"I'm sorry..!"

Before you could say anything, he had run out from the room.


You groan and smack your cheeks. "Ahn!!! Seriously, what the hell, brain?? What have I-"


"O.O EEEPPP!!! Ce-ceres?? S-since when you-"

"Both of us plan that you will wait here, remember?"

"Ah? Oh- y-yes."

"Thank you, Riekka."

Ceres pulls you into a hug, and you force a smile when you lean your cheek on her shoulder. "Un.. you are welcome.. I'm happy for you, Ceres."

Ceres sighed before she pull away.

"Now.. what is the problem?"

"W-what problem..?"

"I've.. no, we have seen everything."

You blushed and flap your arms to the smirking Giotto. "Hyaaaa!! Wh-wh-wh..!" You look from Ceres and to Giotto and his guardians behind him and back to her. "S-since when you guys enter my room??"

"Hmm.. looks like this generation of mine is slow when it comes to this kind of matter." He put a finger on his chin, maintaining the playful smirk on his lips.

"Don't talk about others when you are in the same boat as him, Primo."

"I'm not, G. I'm sure that I'm honest in expressing my feelings."

"Don't talk with your ridiculous confidence when you visited my room almost everyday to discuss a plan of none other than 'How-to-Make-Ceres-Notice-Me' things."


"My, so that's why G-sama had a sleeping problem!"

"W-wait, Aria..! It's a misunderstanding..!"

"So? What are you planning to do now?"

"Well, that's- KYAAA Re-reborn-sensei?? Sin-since when-"

"5 seconds ago I guess." The baby hitman smirked while pasting a duck tape on your mouth to shut your angry rant.

">.< mmmpphh!!"

"Re-reborn-san..! That's a bit-"

"Congratulations to the reunion. Finally all of you have reunited back again, huh?"

Primo smiled and lean next to Ceres. "Yes, it's all thanks to you too, for raising Riekka into a splendid, celestial maiden. If she didn't release out her powerful ability within her, maybe we couldn't get the message that Aria was still around."

He shook his head. "Nope. The first thanks will be for Ceres herself for making the existence of Riekka into this world possible."

You blinked while pulling away the tape. "When I think about it.. I still don't know how Ceres meet with me in the first place yet.."

Ceres smiled and lean down to kiss your forehead. "I will tell you everything by tomorrow. Please have a rest, my dear."

You nod, gripping onto the sheets. "Promise that you will tell me this time?"

"Yes. Good night now, Riekka."


"What are you planning to do, Ceres? I haven't get the chance to ask what is her solution for her stupid boss's problem."

"^^''.. well, that will be settled by.."

Ceres turned to look at Giotto from her shoulder. Giotto responded with a smirk, and little did both of this couple know, G twitched from the view.

"Please tell me they are not the lovey-dovey-in-public type of couple.." He face palm.

Meanwhile.. Tsuna..




"It-It's the 12th times already! Gah! Your head is bleeding! I don't know what had happened, but please stop yourself from banging your head on the wall, Tsuna!"

"Oooohh!!! What a manly way to punish yourself to the extreme!!"


"Tsuna-san!! What are you doing??"

Tsuna stopped himself and slump down from the pain. 'Arghh.. why? Why? Why? Why?? I said stupid things to Riekka again!!'

Kyoko ran towards him with a medical kit, and quickly open the box to search for some bandages. "Here..! Oh no, your forehead is bleeding! Are you alright, Tsuna-kun?"

Tsuna widened his eyes as the familiar word echoing in his mind.

Are you alright, Tsuna-kun?

Are you alright, Tsuna-ku-

"Are you alright, Juudaime-sama??"

He gasped as your usual, worried face appeared in his brain. He plopped to the side, rolling onto the mat like a sushi roll. "ARGHH WHY CAN'T MY BRAIN FUNCTION PROPERLY??"


It's such a ruckus that night and it was ended by Hibari's tonfa attack.

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now