We're Back!

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Hey guys!!
Remember me? Lol
I'm soooo sorry that everything kinda fell apart. To be completely honest I was young. I am young. Scarred has a ton of plot holes and things that don't even make sense, for that I'm sorry too. But if you bear with us for a little longer I promise you  and I (mostly her) will begin updating at least once every one to two weeks. She's already rewritten a bunch of chapters with my help! So give me a couple days and the first chapter will be up :)

For those of you with this still in your library, thank you it means a lot that you guys still have some hope for me

I think what she plans to do is just put the rewritten version up in place of the previous chapters rather than deleting them and creating a new chapter so I highly suggest rereading the book!

Scarred ⌲ Scott McCall [REWRITTING]Where stories live. Discover now