What do I do?

Izaya's POV

I wonder what he's thinking. I bet he can see I'm shaking uncontrollably.

At this point it was just us standing there, Tom still in bed, and just an awkward silence in the room.

Shizuo finally said something after a few minutes.

"You still want to go to sleep?" he asked sounding concerned.

"I could go back to sleep but I'll just stay up since it's 5:50" I responded.

"You sure? You can sleep in the bed if you want, I'll take the couch."

Why is he being nice? Did something happen that I don't know about?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where exactly are we?"

"We stopped in a hotel for the night right after getting off the train since it was late. We won't be leaving until about 10 AM."

"Oh, well if we aren't going to be leaving until then I might as well go back to sleep."

"Ok then. You can have the bed." he said laying down on the couch.

Why is he letting me have the bed? He already had it so why give it up?

I went and laid in the bed. It was still warm. It felt nice and comforting, like I was back in my apartment wrapped in my own blankets.

I laid there for not even five minutes and was out cold.

Shizuo's POV

I laid on the couch thinking for a while. Did he actually tell me the truth? Was he finally not trying to put an act on when he told me his answer?

He must really be scared of me, he was shaking bad when talking to me. His voice was even shakey.

I wonder why his personality is the way it is and why he does some of the things he does. I kind of feel bad for him.

After laying there for a few more minutes I drifted off to sleep.

Shizuo's POV, 9:30 AM

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"You guys up yet?" I heard a voice call from the door.

I got up and answered "Yeah, we'll be out in a few."


I looked around. Tom was already out and waiting with Shinra, Celty, Mairu, and Kururi. Izaya was still sleeping in the bed.

I went over to him to wake him up. His sleeping face is kind of cute, I thought. I realized what I thought and just let it go. I wasn't fully awake so I wasn't thinking straight, as usual.

I then started to shake him gently. "Hey, Izaya. Get up, we have to go." I said quietly.

He just rolled over. After a minute, he finally opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" he asked.

I looked at the clock as he sat up rubbing his eyes. "9:45." I replied.

He just stared at me for a few seconds. When he finally realized what I said he shot out of the bed and grabbed his jacket.

He started to go towards the door until I stopped him. "Wait a minute."

He stopped cold in his tracks. "One quick question. Did you tell the truth when you said you were scared of me this morning?"

He just shook his head up and down. "Okay, just wanted to make sure." I replied.

We got out the door and met with everyone else.

"Are we good to go now?" Shinra asked cheerfully.

Everyone answered yes.

"Hey Shizuo, aren't you going to carry Izaya?" Shinra questioned.

"No. I'll trust him for a little bit." I said.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Did you just say you're going to trust him for a little bit?" He was confused by that.

Everyone stared at me when he asked that, even Izaya. Only, Izaya was the only one with a shocked look on his face.

Izaya's POV

Did he really just say he'll trust me?!? What's gotten into him? He looks so serious about it too.

"You heard me. He can walk on his own for a little while." Shizuo responded.

We all stood there confused for a few moments longer.

Shinra then said, "Okay then. Let's go everyone!"

We all started walking again, Shizuo stayed in the back. Probably to make sure I didn't try to run again.

We then turned in our keys to the hotel rooms we had. I was still in shock.

Did he really say that he'd trust me?

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