Where We Are

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A Kaylor One Shot (Mature Content)

Taylor’s whimpers can barely be heard over the television. They had turned it on when they got back from dinner, but it hadn’t really captured their attention. The couch beckoned to them, stomachs heavy from their meal. They were lounging in the dim light, Taylor between Karlie’s legs, back to chest. She swore she was going to pass out until finger tips started gently caressing her thigh and wet lips met her shoulder.  

“Babe…” She gasps, back arching a little when Karlie’s finger strokes just right.

She bites down on her lip at the same time she feels teeth at her shoulder. Her arm reaches back to slip a hand into Karlie’s hair. When her lower body starts to tense, Karlie is whispering in her ear, sending her over the edge with a throaty moan.

She’s still shuddering with pleasure when Karlie’s hand pulls away and folds the bottom of her dress back down. Taylor’s head turns to catch a lazy kiss, still dazed.

She sags back against Karlie’s chest, sinking into comfort, exhaustion taking over.

“Love,” Karlie calls to her softly after several minutes of silence, arms tightening around her middle.


When there’s no reply Taylor forces her eyes open and flips over so that they’re face-to-face.

“What?” She tries again, this time focused and watching her expression. She senses the seriousness of the situation when Karlie’s features remain neutral, giving nothing away. Her chest tightens with worry.

“Is something wrong?” She frowns, tucking some hair behind Karlie’s ear.

“No.” She sighs, “I’ve just been wondering…”

Taylor remains quiet, giving her time to find her words even though it makes her anxious.

“I’ve been wondering” Another pause, “do you think about the future? Like, about us?” Now Taylor notices the heat rising to her girlfriend’s cheek and it brings a soft smile to her lips.

“Of course I do,” she assures her, finding her hand and bringing it to her mouth for a kiss.

Karlie’s blush deepens, “what about it?” She presses on, gaining some confidence. “What do you imagine it being like?”

Taylor takes a moment to ponder the question, organizing her thoughts before she speaks. The topic makes her nervous because if she says too much, she could potentially scare Karlie away. Then again, if she says too little, that could be just as disastrous.

“Well,” she starts off hesitant. They may have never discussed anything like this before, but Taylor’s thought about it plenty. “I see us living in a nice house, outside the city, but close enough that we can visit.”

And she does see that. She sees spacious rooms that can be grown into and filled with bits of their lives. She can picture the meals being cooked and lazy nights on the couch, so much like right now.

Karlie nods, waiting for more.

“I imagine we’d do a lot of the same things we do now…” She’s easing her way into it, playing safe. “Dinner dates, shopping, and I can definitely picture you in a garden out back.” Taylor tells her shyly, carefully giving away just how much she’s thought about this.

“And you’ve got a pretty ring on your finger” she admits, eyes falling for a moment with insecurity, placing another kiss to Karlie’s hand.

“What about kids, picture any of those?”

Taylor’s the one blushing now, “a few.”

Of course she does—the pitter-patter of bare feet on the floor and squeals of laughter echoing through the house. Dropping off a little girl of their own at dance classes, because surely one of them will carry on Karlie’s talents. She can see it all from decorating the baby room to sending them off to college.

When she manages to meet her gaze again, Karlie is grinning ear to ear. Taylor had worried she was thinking too far ahead, but relief washes over her. They meet halfway for a sweet, lingering kiss, and then Karlie’s face nuzzles into the crook of her neck.

“You’ll be such a good mom” she says, still hiding her face.

They stay like that for a moment, embracing while Taylor softly stokes her hair. It feels surreal that they’re even discussing this, that they’ve actually reached this point of possibilities.

Karlie leans away again, “you really want that?”

Taylor chuckles at her uncertainty, but then again, she understands. “With you, yes” she tells her without missing a beat. “I’m not saying it’s in the near future, but eventually…”

She trails off eyes falling to Karlie’s lips once more. They seem more irresistible than ever. This time when they kiss, Taylor doesn’t let her pull away, tugging at Karlie’s bottom lip. Her hands slip under Karlie’s blouse, tickling her rib cage.

“I love where we are now though,” she mutters, not breaking their kiss.

Karlie giggles against her and then sighs when the kisses are trailed across her cheek, then to her neck.

“Yeah,” she whispers while Taylor undoes her bra, “where we are now is pretty good.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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